Sunday, February 15, 2009


The following information has been received by ANCO.

****ASCO NEWS****
The recent growth of online social networks has been remarkable, with sites such as MySpace, Linked-In and Facebook receiving millions, and even tens of millions of members. A variety of other networking sites have been developed as well, serving specific user communities. Along these lines, ASCO has developed a new electronic health record (EHR) social networking site that enables oncologists and their practice staff to easily connect, collaborate, and find information on EHRs and health information technology.

I would like to personally invite you to join ASCO's new EHR social networking site at You will have an opportunity to view and participate in discussion forums, start blogs, and engage in EHR vendor user groups. Widgets and RSS feeds can be incorporated into your own personal page on the site and you can invite fellow colleagues to join the site as well.

The role of social networks in medicine is just beginning to be understood. In an era of rapid medical change, the need to develop richer and more varied sources of information and the value of far-reaching, online social trust networks will become increasingly apparent for the medical field. Oncologists can be at the forefront of this communication-rich platform and use it to increase understanding and awareness of EHRs and health information technology.

Please sign up today at to join this important ASCO network and feel free to forward this invitation to practice staff or other colleagues who might find the site useful.

****CMS NEWS****
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ (CMS) Provider Communications Group will host the second in a series of national provider conference calls on the 2009 Physician Quality Reporting Initiative (PQRI). This toll-free call will take place from 1:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m., EST, on Wednesday, February 18, 2009.

The Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act of 2008 (MIPPA) made the PQRI program permanent, but only authorized incentive payments through 2010. Eligible professionals who meet the criteria for satisfactory submission of quality measures data for services furnished during the reporting period, January 1, 2009 - December 31, 2009, will earn an incentive payment of 2.0 percent of their total allowed charges for Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) covered professional services furnished during that same period. The 2009 PQRI consists of 153 quality measures and 7 measures groups.

The topics covered on this National Provider Call will include a review of the aggregate level measure submission feedback report from PQRI 2008 and an update regarding 2009 PQRI measure submission. Following the presentation, the lines will be opened to allow participants to ask questions of CMS PQRI subject matter experts.

Educational products are available on the PQRI dedicated web page located at , on the CMS website, in the Educational Resources section. Feel free to download the resources prior to the call so that you may ask questions of the presenters, Dr. Michael Rapp and Dr. Daniel Green.

Conference call details:
Date: February 18, 2009
Conference Title: 2009 PQRI- National Provider Call
Time: 1:30 p.m. EST

In order to receive the call-in information, you must register for the call. It is important to note that if you are planning to sit in with a group, only one person needs to register to receive the call-in data. This registration is solely to reserve a phone line, NOT to allow participation. If you cannot attend the call, replay information is available below.

Registration will close at 1:30 p.m. EST on February 17, 2009, or when available space has been filled. No exceptions will be made, so please be sure to register prior to this time.

To register for the call participants need to go to:

Fill in all required data.

Verify your time zone is displayed correctly the drop down box.

Click "Register".

You will be taken to the “Thank you for registering” page and will receive a confirmation email shortly thereafter. Note: Please print and save this page, in the event that your server blocks the confirmation emails. If you do not receive the confirmation email, please check your spam/junk mail filter as it may have been directed there.

For those of you who will be unable to attend, a replay option will be available shortly following the end of the call. This replay will be accessible from 2:30 p.m. EST 2/18/2009 until 11:59 p.m. EST 2/25/2009. The call in data for the replay is (800) 642-1687 and the passcode is 84543925.

If you require services for the hearing impaired please send an email

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