Friday, December 31, 2010

DHCS/MediCal & Palmetto/J1MAC News

The following information has been received by ANCO.

****DHCS/MediCal NEWS****
The December Medi-Cal Bulletin has just been made available to providers. It spells out the action being taken by them to resolve the Zometa denials & payment methodology.

2011 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule: Update
On December 15, 2010, President Obama signed into law the Medicare and
Medicaid Extenders Act of 2010 (MMEA). Section 101 of the MMEA prevents a
payment cut for physicians that would have taken effect on January 1, 2011.
While the physician fee schedule update will be zero percent, other changes
to the relative value units (RVUs) used to calculate the fee schedule rates
must be budget neutral. To make those changes budget neutral, the
conversion factor must be adjusted for 2011. CMS is currently developing
the 2011 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS) to implement the zero
percent update, and we expect all 2011 claims to be processed timely, in
compliance with the new legislation. The 2011 fees schedules will be posted
on this Web site as soon as they are finalized.

Claim Status Category and Claim Status Code Update
This J1 A/B MAC MLN Matters article, based on Change Request (CR) 7259,
explains that the claim status codes and claim status category codes for
use by Medicare contractors with the Health Claim Status Request and
Response ASC X12N 276/277, along with the 277 Health Care Claim
Acknowledgement, were updated during the January 2011 meeting of the
National Code Maintenance Committee, where code changes were also approved.
Included in the code lists are specific details, including the date when a
code was added, changed or deleted. Medicare contractors will implement
these changes on April 4, 2011. All providers should ensure that their
billing staffs are aware of the updated codes and the timeframe for

Electronic Health Records Incentives Registration Starts January 3, 2011
Beginning January 3, 2011, registration will be available for eligible
health care professionals and eligible hospitals who wish to participate in
the Medicare EHR incentive program. Eligible professionals and eligible
hospitals must register in order to participate in the Medicare and
Medicaid EHR incentive programs. This article provides key dates you should
know if you plan to participate in this incentive program.

Expansion of the Current Scope of Editing for Ordering/Referring Providers
for claims processed by Medicare Carriers and Part B Medicare
Administrative Contractors (MACs)
This J1 Part B MLN Matters article (CR 6417d) was revised on December 17,
2010, to reflect the changes in the release of revised Change Request (CR)
6417 on December 16, 2010. The CR was revised to show the implementation
date for phase two is being delayed and will not begin on January 3, 2011.
A placeholder date of July 5, 2011, has been stated in revised CR 6417.
This placeholder date is being issued to give the Centers for Medicare &
Medicaid Services (CMS) more flexibility to determine the appropriate date
for nonpayment of claims that fail the ordering/referring provider edits.
CR 6417 requires Medicare implementation of system edits to assure that
Part B providers and suppliers bill for ordered or referred items or
services only when those items or services are ordered or referred by
physicians and non-physician practitioners who are eligible to order/refer
such services. Physicians and non-physician practitioners who order or
refer must be enrolled in the Medicare Provider Enrollment, Chain and
Ownership System (PECOS) and must be of the type/specialty eligible to
order/refer services for Medicare beneficiaries. Please share with your

2011 Electronic Prescribing (eRx) Incentive Program Update
In November 2010, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services announced
that, beginning in 2012, eligible professionals who are not successful
electronic prescribers may be subject to a payment adjustment on their
Medicare Part B Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) covered professional services.
Section 132 of the Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act of
2008 (MIPPA) authorizes CMS to apply this payment adjustment whether or not
the eligible professional is planning to participate in the eRx Incentive

Physician Quality Reporting System: Town Hall Meeting on February 9, 2011
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) will host a Town Hall
Meeting to discuss the Physician Quality Reporting System. The meeting will
be held on February 9, 2011, from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. in Baltimore,
Maryland and via teleconference. The purpose of the Town Hall Meeting is
to solicit input from participating stakeholders on key components of the
design of the Physician Quality Reporting System and individual quality
measures and measures groups being considered for possible inclusion in the
2012 Physician Quality Reporting System.

Electronic Health Records Incentive Programs: Important Information About
Provider Registration
Registration begins January 3, 201; are you ready? The new CMS Electronic
Health Records (EHR) Web page can help. This new Web page is updated,
reorganized and more user-friendly. Be sure to check it out and register

Home Health Face-to-Face Encounter Certification Requirement
Section 6407 of the Affordable Care Act of 2010 established a physician
face-to-face encounter requirement for certification of eligibility for
Medicare home health services. The certifying physician must document that
he or she, or a non-physician practitioner (NPP) working with the
physician, has seen the patient.

Hospice Face-to-Face Encounter Requirement
Effective January 1, 2011, Section 3131(b) of the Affordable Care Act of
2010 requires a hospice physician or nurse practitioner (NP) to have a
face-to-face encounter with every hospice patient prior to the patient’s
180th-day recertification and each subsequent recertification.

The ANCO Online ListServ has moved and is now sent directly from the ANCO office computer. Please contact if you wish to update or unsubscribe your e-mail address. Thanks!

Monday, December 27, 2010

ASH & Palmetto/J1MAC News

The following information has been received by ANCO.

****ASH NEWS****
The American Society of Hematology's (AS) Practice Update was published and is available online at This edition features:

• Stopgap Funding Bill Omits CMS Funding Increase Needed to Implement Health Reform

• CMS Releases 2011 Electronic Prescribing (eRx) Incentive Program Update

• CMS to Host Town Hall Meeting to Discuss PQRS

• Medicare Releases Updates of the Quarterly Average Sales Price (ASP)

Place of Service Indicator for HCPCS Codes G0339 and G0340
The Pricing Indicator Code on the Alpha-Numeric HCPCS File has been changed
from '00' to '13' for HCPCS codes G0339 and G0340. This change is effective
for services furnished in CY 2006 – CY 2010. While this change was
accurately reflected in the annual published PFS Relative Value Files
beginning in CY 2006, no corresponding change was made to the pricing
indicator on the Alpha-Numeric HCPCS File. The Alpha-Numeric HCPCS File is
being updated to reflect the correct pricing indicator code.

January 2011 J1 A/B MAC Medicare Advisory
The January 2011 J1 A/B MAC Medicare Advisory is now available on the J1
Web site. Providers are encouraged to review the information and to share
with their staff.

CERT Appeals: Providing Documentation
When services are denied or down-coded by the CERT Review Contractor and an
overpayment is identified, providers are entitled to file a Part B
redetermination request to Palmetto GBA. We are seeing a growing number of
appeals for which the medical records sent by providers and third-party
medical billing companies are missing key components of the documentation
necessary to conduct the review. Prior to filing an appeal, we suggest you
follow the steps listed in this article.

J1 Part B LCDs Revised
The following J1 Part B LCDs have been revised: Cardiac Catheterization,
Diagnostic L28244, Injections- Tendon, Ligament, Ganglion Cyst, Tunnel
Syndromes and Morton’s Neuroma L28271, and Intensity Modulated Radiation
Therapy (IMRT) L28272.

A New Home Health Certification Requirement: Home Health Face-to-Face
A new Medicare home health law goes into effect on January 1, 2011, that
affirms the role of the physician as the person who orders home health care
based on personal examination of the patient. Effective in January, a
physician who certifies a patient as eligible for Medicare home health
services must see the patient. The law also allows the requirement to be
satisfied if a non-physician practitioner (NPP) sees the patient, when the
NPP is working for, or in collaboration with, the physician.

Signatures Required on Requisitions for Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory
Tests: Effective January 1, 2011
Effective January 1, 2011, a physician’s or qualified non-physician
practitioner’s (NPP’s) signature is required on all requisitions for
clinical diagnostic laboratory tests paid under the clinical laboratory fee
schedule. This is a change from previous Medicare guidelines and is
included in the November 29, 2010, Medicare Physician Fee Schedule final
rule. CMS guidelines regarding signatures on requisitions for clinical
diagnostic laboratory tests will be updated soon. Updated information will
be posted on the CMS Web site.

J1 PCC Closed in Observance of the Holidays December 23-24 and December 31,
The J1 Provider Contact Center (PCC) will be closed in observance of the
holidays on December 23, December 24 and December 31, 2010. The PCC will
reopen on Monday, December 27, 2010, at 7 a.m. PT after Christmas and
reopen on Monday, January 3, 2011, at 7 a.m. PT after New Year's Day.

Palmetto GBA Launches Going Beyond Diagnosis Blog
Palmetto GBA launched the Going Beyond Diagnosis blog! Claims denied for
insufficient documentation in medical records? Use the ICF to communicate
treatment plans efficiently. Visit the blog to collaborate with our Medical
Affairs area and share your experiences with the ICF.

Signatures on Requisitions for Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory Tests
In the November 29, 2010 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule final rule, the
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) finalized its proposed
policy to require a physician's or qualified non-physician practitioner's
(NPP) signature on requisitions for clinical diagnostic laboratory tests
paid under the clinical laboratory fee schedule effective January 1, 2011.
A requisition is the actual paperwork, such as a form, which is provided to
a clinical diagnostic laboratory that identifies the test or tests to be
performed for a patient. Although many physicians, NPPs and clinical
diagnostic laboratories may be aware of, and are able to comply with, this
policy, CMS is concerned that some physicians, NPPs and clinical diagnostic
laboratories are not aware of, or do not understand, this policy. As such,
CMS will focus in the first calendar quarter of 2011 on developing
educational and outreach materials to educate those affected by this
policy. As it becomes available, CMS will post this information on the CMS
Web site and use the other channels available to communicate with providers
to ensure this information is widely distributed. Once the first quarter of
2011 educational campaign is fully underway, CMS will expect requisitions
to be signed.

The ANCO Online ListServ has moved and is now sent directly from the ANCO office computer. Please contact if you wish to update or unsubscribe your e-mail address. Thanks!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Palmetto/J1MAC News

The following information has been received by ANCO.

Timely Claims Filing Requirement: Important Information
Effective immediately, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
would like to remind Medicare fee-for-service physicians, providers and
suppliers, who are submitting claims to Medicare for payment, all claims
for services furnished on or after January 1, 2010, must be filed with your
Medicare contractor no later than one calendar year (12 months) from the
date of service or Medicare will deny them. This is a result of the Patient
Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA).

J1 Provider Contact Center (PCC) Training and Holiday Closure Schedule for
Fiscal Year 2011
The J1 PCC Training and Holiday Closure Schedule for Fiscal Year 2011 is
now available on our Web site.

Skilled Nursing Facility and Nursing Facility Reporting of Physician
Consultation Services
If a physician or non-physician practitioner is furnishing that
practitioner’s first E/M service for a Medicare beneficiary in a SNF or NF
during the patient’s facility stay, even if that service is provided prior
to the federally mandated visit, the practitioner may bill the most
appropriate E/M code that reflects the services the practitioner furnished,
whether that code be an initial nursing facility care code or a subsequent
nursing facility care code if documentation and medical necessity do not
meet the requirements for billing an initial nursing facility care code.

J1 PCC to Close in Observance of the Holidays
The J1 Provider Contact Center (PCC) will be closed in observance of the
Christmas holiday on Thursday, December 23, 2010, and Friday, December 24,
2010. The PCC will reopen on Monday, December 27, 2010, at 7 a.m. PT. The
PCC will also be closed on Friday, December 31, 2010, in observance of New
Year's Day and will reopen on Monday, January 3, 2011, at 7 a.m. PT. Please
share with your staff.

2011 Coding Update
The 2011 Coding Update contains a wealth of information that will be
helpful to your office. This publication includes information on 2011
additions, deletions and changes for HCPCS, CDT and CPT codes and
modifiers, proper use of modifiers and more.

Incorrect Adjustments Impacting Part B Providers in Northern California,
Southern California, Ohio and West Virginia
This article announces that Palmetto GBA recently completed adjustments for
claims that originally processed from September 2, 2008, to October 28,
2010, with HCPCS codes G0181 and G0182. These adjustments incorrectly
canceled the original payment. The adjustments will appear on remittance
advices dated December 14, 2010, through December 20, 2010. The adjusted
claims will have the remark code CO-151, which states: 'Payment adjusted
because the payer deems the information submitted does not support this
many/frequency of services'. Providers will also receive demand letters for
these adjusted claims. Providers are encouraged to review the information
and to share with their staff.

President Obama Signs the Medicare and Medicaid Extenders Act of 2010
On Wednesday, December 15, 2010, President Obama signed into law the
Medicare and Medicaid Extenders Act of 2010 (MMEA). This new law prevents a
scheduled payment cut for physicians who treat Medicare patients from
taking effect. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is
pleased that this law has addressed key issues for beneficiaries and
providers, and we are actively engaged in implementing these changes.

Incorrect Adjustments Impacting Part B Providers in Northern California,
Southern California, Ohio and West Virginia
Palmetto GBA has identified a problem with adjustments to some claims for
Care Plan Oversight (HCPCS codes G0181 and G0182). This issue impacts Part
B providers in northern California, southern California, Ohio and West
Virginia only for claims processed from September 2, 2008, through October
28,2010. If you received an overpayment letter for these services issued
during this timef rame, you do not need to take any action. Palmetto GBA
will send corrected notices to all affected providers.

The ANCO Online ListServ has moved and is now sent directly from the ANCO office computer. Please contact if you wish to update or unsubscribe your e-mail address. Thanks!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

ACCC, CMA, & Palmetto/J1MAC News

The following information has been received by ANCO.

****ACCC NEWS****
The Association of Community Cancer Center's (ACCC) Connect was published and is available online at ANCO is an Institutional Member of ACCC. This edition features:

• ACCC Center for Provider Education Releases New Study on Use and Perceptions of Clinical Practice Guidlines

• How to You Manage Patients with Breast Cancer: Case Study Submissions Accepted

• Another Temporary SGR FIx: This Time for One Year

• US Oncological Review Available Free to ACCC Members

• December Update to ACCC's Part B-Drug Information Guide Available

• CMS Issues New J-code for Folotyn

****CMA NEWS****
The California Medical Association (CMA) Alert was published and is available online at This edition features:

• Medicare SGR cuts blocked for 2011: Work begins on long-term solution

• Urgent new and valuable benefit for CMA members: Medicare PQRI 2% bonus program

• CMA calls on DMHC to levy bigger finds, exercise greater oversight of health plans

• Important update on PECOS and ordering/referring

• Breast cancer detection program reopens enrollment

Clinical Laboratory Fee Schedule - Medicare Travel Allowance Fees for
Collection of Specimens
This J1 A/B MAC MLN Matters article (CR7239) revises the payment of travel
allowances either on a per mileage basis (P9603) or on a flat rate basis
(P9604) for calendar year (CY) 2010. Note that Medicare Contractors will
not reprocess claims that were processed before the new rates were
implemented unless you bring such claims to their attention. Providers are
encouraged to review the information and to share with their staff

Waiver of Coinsurance and Deductible for Preventive Services, Section 4104
of The Affordable Care Act, Removal of Barriers to Preventive Services in
This J1 A/B MAC MLN Matters article (CR7012) implements the changes in
Section 4104 of The Affordable Care Act. The CR announces that (effective
for dates of service on or after January 1, 2011) Medicare will provide 100
percent payment for the initial preventive physical examination (IPPE) and
the annual wellness visit (AWV). It also provides 100 percent payment for
preventive services that are identified with a grade of A or B by the
United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) for any indication or
population and are appropriate for the individual. Essentially this means
Medicare will waive any coinsurance or copayments for the services
mentioned above. Providers are encouraged to review the information and to
share with their staff.

Common Working File (CWF) Unsolicited Response Adjustments for Certain
Claims Denied Due to an Open Medicare Secondary Payer (MSP) Group Health
Plan (GHP) Record Where the GHP Record was Subsequently Deleted or
This J1 A/B MAC MLN Matters article (CR 6625a) was revised on December 6,
2010, to reflect a revision to CR 6625. The implementation date has been
changed to July 5, 2011. Also, the CR release date, transmittal number and
the Web address for accessing CR 6625 were revised. All other information
is the same. CR 6625 instructs Medicare contractors and shared system
maintainers (SSMs) to implement (effective April 1, 2011) an automated
process to reopen group health plan (GHP) Medicare Secondary Payer (MSP)
claims when related MSP data is deleted or terminated after claims were
processed subject to the beneficiary record on Medicare’s database.

Palmetto GBA Launches Going Beyond Diagnosis Blog
Nationally insufficient documentation in medical records remains a leading
cause of Medicare claim denials. Palmetto GBA has developed an innovative
method for improving the quality of the information in medical records and
is sharing this process via the newly established Going Beyond Diagnosis
(GBD) blog. The GBD blog uses the International Classification of
Functioning Disability and Health (ICF) to help health care professionals
and organizations communicate with third-party payers.

Physicians and Non-Physician Practitioners (NPPs) Excluded from
Deactivation in Medicare Due to Inactivity with Medicare
This special edition MLN Matters article (SE1034) is for certain physicians
and non-physician practitioners (NPPs) who have the unique enrollment
scenarios of enrolling for the sole purpose of ordering and referring items
and services for Medicare beneficiaries. These physicians and NPPs do not
and will not send claims to a Medicare contractor for the services they
furnish and shall be excluded from the 12-month non-billing deactivation
process. Providers are encouraged to review the information and to share
with their staff.

Palmetto GBA Laboratory and Molecular Diagnostic Services Program
Palmetto GBA must determine reasonable and necessary services and apply
fair reimbursement to services that are not listed in the current Centers
for Medicare & Medicaid Services laboratory fee schedule. The vast numbers
of new diagnostic and molecular assays entering the market magnify these
issues. To address these vulnerabilities, Palmetto GBA has launched a
Laboratory and Molecular Diagnostic Services Program.

Why do I need a remittance advice when I call the Provider Contact Center?
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) provides instructions
and requirements for Medicare contractors in the Internet-Only Manuals
(IOMs) about requests for information that is available on a remittance
advice (RA). Please be familiar with these before calling the Provider
Contact Center.

The ANCO Online ListServ has moved and is now sent directly from the ANCO office computer. Please contact if you wish to update or unsubscribe your e-mail address. Thanks!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

ASH & Palmetto/J1MAC News

The following information has been received by ANCO.

****ASH NEWS****
The American Society of Hematology's Practice Update was published and is available online at This edition features:

• Congress Passes a One Year Extension of Medicare Physician Payment Rates

• ASH Submits COmments to CMS Regarding Accountable Care Organizations and the Medicare Shared Savings Program

• CMS Provides Resources to Aid Version 5010 and ICD-10 Transitions

• CMS to Host National Provider Call on PQRS and eRx.

Edits on the Ordering/Referring Providers in Medicare Part B Claims (Change
Requests 6417, 6421 and 6696)
This special edition MLN Matters article (SE1011a) was revised on November
26, 2010, to include the following statement: The Centers for Medicare &
Medicaid Services (CMS) previously announced that, beginning January 3,
2011, if certain Part B billed items and services require an
ordering/referring provider and the ordering/referring provider is not in
the claim, is not of a profession that is permitted to order/refer or does
not have an enrollment record in the Medicare Provider Enrollment, Chain
and Ownership System (PECOS), the claim will not be paid. The automated
edits will not be turned on effective January 3, 2011. We are working
diligently to resolve enrollment backlogs and other system issues and will
provide ample advanced notice to the provider and beneficiary communities
before we begin any automatic non-payment actions. Providers are encouraged
to review the information and to share with their staff.

E/M Service: Similar Services from Multiple Providers in the Same Group
Physicians in the same group practice who are in the same specialty must
bill and be paid as though they were a single physician. When more than one
E/M service is provided to the same patient on the same date by more than
one physician in the same specialty in the same group, only one E/M service
may be reported unless the E/M services are for unrelated problems.
Physicians in the same group practice but who are in different specialties
or subspecialties may bill and be paid without regard to their membership
in the same group.

2010 Physician Quality Reporting System & Electronic Prescribing Incentive
Program National Provider Call
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ (CMS) Provider Communications
Group will host a national provider conference call on the 2010 Physician
Quality Reporting System and Electronic Prescribing Incentive Program
(eRx). This toll-free call will take place from 2:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. ET, on
Monday, December 13, 2010.

Billing Clarification for Positron Emission Tomography (NaF-18) PET for
Identifying Bone Metastasis of Cancer in the Context of a Clinical Trial
This J1 A/B MAC MLN Matters article (CR7125) was issued to clarify a
requirement in CR 6861 regarding how these claims should be billed.
Specifically, CR 7125 amends instructions for claims submitted for the
professional (PC), technical (TC) or global components. This article
explains the specific claims handling instructions for claims submitted for
each of these components. Providers are encouraged to review the
information and to share with their staff.

Open Draft LCD Meetings January 2011
Share with your staff - Palmetto GBA J1 A/B Medicare Administrative
Contractor (MAC) has scheduled Open Draft Local Coverage Determination
(LCD) meetings in California, Nevada and Hawaii for January 2011. The
general public is invited to submit information related to the proposed
LCDs for Palmetto GBA's consideration.

Calendar Year (CY) 2011 Annual Update for Clinical Laboratory Fee Schedule
and Laboratory Services Subject to Reasonable Charge Payment
This J1 A/B MAC MLN Matters article (CR 6991a) was revised on December 1,
2010, to correct the annual update percentage shown on Page 2 for
laboratory tests paid on a reasonable charge basis.
This article provides instructions for the CY 2011 clinical laboratory fee
schedule, mapping for new codes for clinical laboratory tests and updates
for laboratory costs subject to the reasonable charge payment. Providers
are encouraged to review the information and to share with their staff.

J1 Part B LCDs Revised
The following J1 Part B LCDs have been revised: Anorectal Manometry, Anal
Electromyography, and Biofeedback Training for Perineal Muscles and
Anorectal or Urethral Sphincters L28236; Bladder Tumor Markers DL31302;
Interferons L28273; and Intravenous Immune Globulin L28275.

ANSI v5010: New 999 and 277CA Response Reports
New 999 and 277CA reports will be generated with the transition to ANSI

ANSI v5010: New Reports For Electronic Claim Submitters
This posting includes information on new reports coming with the ANSI v5010

J1 PCC to Close for Training
The J1 Provider Contact Center (PCC) will be closed for training on Friday,
December 17, 2010, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. PT. The PCC will reopen on
Friday, December 17, 2010, at 3 p.m. PT. Please share with your staff.

Recovery Audit Contractor (RAC) Demonstration High-Risk Vulnerabilities for
This special edition MLN Matters article (SE1036) is the fourth in a series
of articles that will disseminate information on Recovery Audit Contractor
(RAC) demonstration high dollar improper payment vulnerabilities. The
purpose of this article is to provide education to physicians on two
vulnerabilities in an effort to prevent these same problems from occurring
in the future. With the expansion of the RAC Program nationally, it is
essential that physicians understand the lessons learned from the
demonstration and implement appropriate corrective actions. Providers are
encouraged to review the information and to share with their staff.

ANSI v5010: New 999 and 277CA Response Reports
New 999 and 277CA reports will be generated with the transition to ANSI

ANSI v5010: New Electronic Claim Format Requirements for ANSI 837 v5010
This article is the second in a series regarding implementation of version
5010 as the new standard for all ANSI ASC X12N electronic transactions.
This article outlines the changes to the ANSI 837 Electronic Claim format
from v4010A1 to v5010.

ANSI v5010: New Reports For Electronic Claim Submitters
This posting includes information on new reports coming with the ANSI v5010

ANSI v5010: Is Your Practice or Facility Ready for the ANSI Version 5010
This article is the first in a series regarding implementation of version
5010 as the new standard for all ANSI ASC X12N electronic transactions.

ANSI v5010: CMS-1500 to ANSI 837 v5010 Crosswalk
This article is the third in a series regarding implementation of version
5010 as the new standard for all ANSI ASC X12N electronic transactions.
This article includes a crosswalk from the CMS-1500 claim form to the ANSI
837 v5010 electronic claim format.

The ANCO Online ListServ has moved and is now sent directly from the ANCO office computer. Please contact if you wish to update or unsubscribe your e-mail address. Thanks!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Palmetto/J1MAC News

The following information has been received by ANCO.

The 'Physician Payment and Therapy Relief Act of 2010' Extends 2.2 Percent
Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Update
On November 30, 2010, President Obama signed into law 'The Physician
Payment and Therapy Relief Act of 2010.' This law extends through December
31, 2010, the 2.2 percent update to the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule
(MPFS) that has been in effect for Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS)
claims with dates of service of June 1, 2010, through November 30, 2010.
Payments for 2010 services under the MPFS will continue without delay.

Update to Medicare Deductible, Coinsurance and Premium Rates for 2011
This J1 A/B MAC MLN Matters article (CR7224) provides the Medicare rates
for deductible, coinsurance and premium payment amounts for Calendar Year
(CY) 2011. A beneficiary is responsible for an inpatient hospital
deductible amount, which is deducted from the amount payable by the
Medicare program to the hospital for inpatient hospital services furnished
in a spell of illness. Providers are encouraged to review the information
and to share with their staff.

Calendar Year (CY) 2011 Annual Update for Clinical Laboratory Fee Schedule
and Laboratory Services Subject to Reasonable Charge Payment
This J1 A/B MAC MLN Matters article (CR 6991) provides instructions for the
CY 2011 clinical laboratory fee schedule, mapping for new codes for
clinical laboratory tests and updates for laboratory costs subject to the
reasonable charge payment. Please share with your staff.

Important Information on the Timely Claims Filing Requirement
Effective immediately, all claims for services furnished on or after
January 1, 2010, must be filed with your Medicare contractor no later than
one calendar year (12 months) from the date of service, or Medicare will
deny those claims. If you have Medicare fee-for-service claims with service
dates from October 1, 2009, through December 31, 2009, those claims must be
filed by December 31, 2010, or Medicare will deny those claims. Claims with
service dates from January 1, 2009, to October 1, 2009, keep their original
December 31, 2010 deadline for filing.

Information Regarding the Billing of New Q HCPCS Codes for 2010-2011
Seasonal Influenza Vaccines for Medicare Fee-for-Service Providers
Physicians, other practitioners and suppliers may submit their claims with
the new influenza Q HCPCS codes on an individual basis or via the roster
billing process. CMS has instructed Medicare contractors to hold all claims
containing the influenza Q HCPCS codes with dates of service on or after
October 1, 2010, until their systems are able to accept them for
processing. The Medicare contractors’ systems will be ready to process
claims containing the Q HCPCS codes no later than February 7, 2011.
Physicians, other practitioners and suppliers also have the option to hold
their claims containing the new influenza Q HCPCS codes until February 7,

2010 - 2011 Seasonal Influenza (Flu) Resources for Health Care
This special edition article (SE1031b) was revised on November 29, 2010, to
include a reference to MLN Matters article MM7234 (New HCPCS Q-codes for
2010–2011 Seasonal Influenza Vaccines). In this article, the Centers for
Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) reminds health care professionals that
Medicare Part B reimburses health care providers for seasonal flu vaccines
and their administration. Medicare provides coverage of the seasonal flu
vaccine without any out-of-pocket costs to the Medicare patient. Providers
are encouraged to review the information and to share with their staff.

Claim Editing for Ordering/Referring Providers
Note: Please disregard the listserv message for this article that was sent
on December 2, 2010. The statement 'CMS previously announced' was
inadvertently omitted from the December 2 listserv. We apologize for the
inconvenience. Although the article on the J1 Web site is correct, the
listserv was inaccurate and will be replaced with the following message:
This article announces that automated edits for ordering/referring
providers will not be turned on effective January 3, 2011. The Centers for
Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) previously announced that, beginning
January 3, 2011, if certain Part B billed items and services require an
ordering/referring provider, and the ordering/referring provider is: 1) Not
in the claim; 2) Is not of a profession that is permitted to order/refer;
or 3) Does not have an enrollment record in the Medicare Provider
Enrollment, Chain and Ownership System (PECOS), the claim will not be paid.
Providers are encouraged to review the information and to share with their

The ANCO Online ListServ has moved and is now sent directly from the ANCO office computer. Please contact if you wish to update or unsubscribe your e-mail address. Thanks!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

ACCC, CMA & Palmetto/J1MAC News

The following information has been received by ANCO.

****ACCC NEWS****
The Association of Community Cancer Centers (ACCC) Connect was published and is available online at ANCO is an Institutional Member of ACCC. This edition features:

• ACCC Releases New Study on Care Transition

• New CME/CE Activity Launched: Strategies for Managing Patients with Breast Cancer

• FDA Approves AMGENS. Xgeve for the Prevention of Skeletal-Related Events in Patients with Bone Metastases from Solid Tumors

• Heard on ACCC's ListServ: ICD-9s by Tumor Site

****CMA NEWS****
The California Medical Association (CMA) Alert was published and is available online at This edition features:

• Congress postpones Medicare cuts until January

• New timely access regulations to take effect January 17

• CMA continues court challenge of state taking physician license fees from medical board

• CalHIPSO tops nation in signups of doctors getting EHRs

• Webinar: EHRs--Meaningful Use

Quarterly Update to Correct Coding Initiative (CCI) Edits, Version 17.0,
Effective January 1, 2011
This J1 A/B MAC MLN Matters article (CR 7210) provides a reminder for
physicians to take note of the quarterly updates to Correct Coding
Initiative (CCI) edits. The last quarterly release of the edit module was
issued in October 2010. Please share with your staff.

The ANCO Online ListServ has moved and is now sent directly from the ANCO office computer. Please contact if you wish to update or unsubscribe your e-mail address. Thanks!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

ASH & Palmetto/J1MAC News

The following information has been received by ANCO.

****ASH NEWS****
The American Society of Hematology's (ASH) Practice Update was published and is available online at This edition features:

• Senate Passes Legislation to Avert Medicare Payment Cuts; Urge Your Representative to Support Stopping the Scheduled 23% Medicare Physician Payment Cut

• Final 2011 Physician Fee Schedule Rule Includes Significant Cuts

• ASH Annual Meeting: Policy & Practice Events You Will Want to Attend

December 2010 J1 A/B MAC Medicare Advisory
The December 2010 J1 A/B MAC Medicare Advisory is now available on the J1
Web site. Providers are encouraged to review the information and to share
with their staff.

J1 PCC to Close for Training
The J1 Provider Contact Center (PCC) will be closed for training on Friday,
December 3, 2010, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. PT. The PCC will reopen on
Friday, December 3, 2010, at 3 p.m. PT. Please share with your staff.

Online Provider Services (OPS) Claims Status Enhancements
Palmetto GBA has enhanced the claims status feature of Online Provider
Services (OPS). OPS now displays the processed date and check number, if
applicable, when returning claims status for a beneficiary. OPS is our
secure Web portal that allows providers to access information regarding
claim status, beneficiary eligibility, amount approved-to-pay, and to view
duplicate remittance notices. All providers that have an EDI Enrollment
Agreement on file may register to use this tool. If you haven’t already
registered, please consider doing so. Access the introductory article to
learn more: click on the “Introducing Online Provider Services” graphic on
the top of any of our main state Web pages. One important consideration:
only one Provider Administrator per EDI Enrollment Agreement/per PTAN
performs the registration process. The Provider Administrator can then
grant permission to additional users related to that PTAN. Billing services
and clearinghouses should contact their provider clients to gain access to
the system.

J1 Part B LCDs Revised
Multiple J1 Part B LCDs have been revised. To view these LCDs, go to the
'LCDs and NCDs' Web page under the Medical Policies section of the J1 Part
B Web site. Please be sure to share with your staff.

Multiple Procedure Payment Reduction (MPPR) on the Technical Component (TC)
of Certain Diagnostic Imaging Procedures
This J1 A/B MAC MLN Matters article (CR 6993) announces that Medicare is
changing the multiple procedure payment reduction (MPPR) on the technical
component (TC) of certain diagnostic imaging procedures. You should make
sure that your billing staffs are aware of these changes.

Thirteenth National Education Call on Medicare Fee-For-Service (FFS)
Implementation of HIPAA Version 5010 and D.0 Transactions
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) will host its 13th
national education call regarding Medicare FFS implementation of HIPAA
Version 5010 and D.0 transaction standards on December 8, 2010. This
session will focus on provider outreach and education activities and
transition specific testing protocols. Subject matter experts will review
Medicare FFS communications, outreach and education strategy, as well as
provide information to help the audience through the transition to
implementation. The presentation will be followed by a Q&A session.

Multiple Procedure Payment Reduction (MPPR) for Selected Therapy Services
This J1 A/B MLN Matters article (CR7050) announces that Medicare is
applying a new multiple procedure payment reduction (MPPR) to the practice
expense (PE) component of payment of select therapy services paid under the
MPFS. Providers are encouraged to review the information and to share with
their staff.

Online Provider Services (OPS) Claims Status Enhancements
Palmetto GBA has enhanced the claims status feature of Online Provider
Services (OPS). OPS now displays the processed date and check number, if
applicable, when returning claims status for a beneficiary. OPS is our
secure Web portal that allows providers to access information regarding
claim status, beneficiary eligibility, amount approved-to-pay and to view
duplicate remittance notices. All providers that have an EDI Enrollment
Agreement on file may register to use this tool. If you haven’t already
registered, please consider doing so. Access the introductory article to
learn more by selecting the 'Introducing Online Provider Services' graphic
on the top of any of our main contract home pages. Please Note: Only one
Provider Administrator per EDI Enrollment Agreement/per PTAN performs the
registration process. The Provider Administrator can then grant permission
to additional users related to that PTAN. Billing services and
clearinghouses should contact their provider clients to gain access to the

The ANCO Online ListServ has moved and is now sent directly from the ANCO office computer. Please contact if you wish to update or unsubscribe your e-mail address. Thanks!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Palmetto/J1MAC News

The following information has been received by ANCO.

2009 PQRI and eRx Incentive Program Feedback Reports
After beginning the release of the 2009 PQRI feedback reports, the Centers
for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) temporarily halted production of the
files to investigate some conflicting field information in the reports. The
2009 PQRI and eRx Incentive Program feedback reports will soon be made
available on the PQRI portal. CMS anticipates that the Taxpayer
Identification Number (Tax ID Number or TIN) level reports, which include
the National Provider Identifier (NPI) level reports, will be available the
week of November 22, 2010, on the PQRI Portal. Individual NPI reports will
be made available shortly afterward.

PC-ACE Pro32 Training Modules
Palmetto GBA is pleased to announce the availability of new Web-based
PC-ACE Pro32 training modules for Part A and Part B providers. PC-ACE Pro32
is a complete, self-contained electronic processing system for health care
claims submission and management. This system does not integrate into
office systems, such as accounts receivable, inventory or billing. It
provides you with the ability to enter patient, claim and procedure file
information while creating summary reports of the claims you submit

November 25 through 26 Medicare Payments
Palmetto GBA will not issue Medicare payments on November 25 through 26
because of the Thanksgiving holiday. Payments will be issued as usual on
November 24 and will resume on November 29.

Provider Education for Handling National Provider Identifier (NPI) Issues
Related to Deceased Providers Who Had an NPI
This J1 Part B MLN Matters article (CR6984) explains how claims should be
submitted by representatives of deceased providers who had obtained an NPI
prior to death. A claim submitted after May 23, 2007, for a deceased
provider who had an NPI will be rejected by Medicare because the provider’s
NPI was deactivated in the Medicare claims processing system due to the
provider’s death. When a deceased provider’s claim is rejected by a
Medicare Contractor because of the absence of an NPI, the claim submitter
is expected to contact the Medicare Contractor to discuss payment of the
claim and the provider’s death. Providers are encouraged to review the
information and to share with their staff.

The ANCO Online ListServ has moved and is now sent directly from the ANCO office computer. Please contact if you wish to update or unsubscribe your e-mail address. Thanks!

Friday, November 19, 2010

ACCC, CMA & Palmetto/J1MAC News

The following information has been received by ANCO.

****ACCC NEWS****
The Association of Community Cancer Center's (ACCC) Connect was published and is available online at ANCO is an Institutional Member of ACCC. This edition features:

• Update on Commission of Cancer Program Standards Revision

• Conference Call: November 19 to Discuss Final 2011 HOPPS Rule and Physician Fee Schedule.

• FDA Approves Eisai's Halaven Injection for Treatment of Metastatic Breast Cancer

• Heard on ACCC's ListServ: Staffing Guidlines

• New Certifications: Oncology and Women's Health EHR

****CMA NEWS****
The California Medical Association's (CMA) Alert was pubished and is available online at This edition features:

• CMA Stops Proposed Medicare Geographic Payment Cuts

• CMA Launches Campaign to Stop Medicare Cuts

• Two CMA Physicians Elected to State Assembly

• Time To Declare Medicare Participation for 2011

• CMA Publishes Guide to Obtaining Federal Funding for EHRs

• Webinar: EHRs--Meaningful Use

2010 E-Prescribing Incentive Program Measurement Code Reporting Update
All eligible professionals (EPs) are encouraged to follow the current 2010
E-Prescribing (eRx) incentive program requirements. EPs should check the
measure specifications at the beginning of each year because they may
change. The correct measurement code to bill in 2010 for calculations of
the 2010 eRx incentive payment is HCPCS code G8553. The 2009 eRx
measurement codes have been accepted for processing by the Medicare claims
systems. However, in October, a temporary change occurred that led to the
rejection of 2009 eRx codes. EPs cannot resubmit claims that may have been
rejected with the 2009 eRx measurement codes. Submissions reported using a
qualified registry or a qualified electronic health record will not be
affected by this situation.

Time Limit Denials
The time limit for filing claims to Medicare has changed. The changes
apply to Medicare primary and secondary claims. Claims with dates of
service October 1, 2008 through December 31, 2009, must be filed no later
than December 31, 2010. Services performed on or after January 1, 2010,
must be filed within one year from the date of service. Please review your
billing records carefully to ensure that your claims are filed on time.
Review this article for more information.

Important Timely Filing Requirement Information: Reminder
If you are a Medicare fee-for-service (FFS) physician, provider or supplier
submitting claims to Medicare for payment, this is very important
information you need to know. Effective immediately, any Medicare FFS claim
with a date of service on or after January 1, 2010, must be received by
your Medicare contractor no later than one calendar year (12 months) from
the claim’s date of service, or Medicare will deny the claim.

Implementation of ERRATA Version 5010 of Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act (HIPAA) Transactions and Updates in 837I, 837P and 835
Flat Files
This J1 A/B MAC MLN Matters (CR7202) alerts and updates providers about the
administrative simplification provisions of Health Insurance Portability
and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Regulations that the Secretary of the
Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) is required to adopt
regarding standard electronic transactions and code sets. Currently, CMS is
in the process of implementing an ERRATA version of 5010 of the HIPAA
transactions as well as the updates to the 837I, 837P and 835 flat files.
Be sure that you will be compliant with this next HIPAA standard by January
1, 2012. Providers are encouraged to review the information and to share
with their staff.

Implementation of the PWK (Paperwork) Segment for X12N Version 5010
This J1 A/B MAC MLN Matters article (CR7041a) was revised on November 12,
2010, to reflect a revised CR 7041 issued on November 10, 2010. The
effective and implementation dates have been changed. In addition, the CR
transmittal number, release date and the Web address for accessing CR 7041
were revised. All other information is the same. The article announces the
implementation of the PWK (paperwork) segment for X12N Version 5010. The
PWK segment provides the ‘linkage’ between electronic claims and additional
documentation which is needed for claims adjudication. Providers are
encouraged to review the information and to share with their staff.

Outpatient Therapy Cap Values for CY 2011
This J1 A/B MAC MLN Matters article (CR7107) describes the Centers for
Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) policy for outpatient therapy caps for
Calendar Year (CY) 2011. Therapy caps for 2011 will be $1,870. The
exceptions process will continue unchanged for the time frame directed by
Congress. Providers are encouraged to review the information and to share
with their staff.

2011 Medicare Part B Fee Schedule: Northern California
The Northern California 2011 Medicare Part B Fee Schedule is now available
and is effective for services performed on or after January 1, 2011. As you
know, Medicare payment rates under the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule
(MPFS) are set according to statutory criteria. The following 2011 MPFS
payment rates are reflective of the 2011 Physician Fee Schedule Final Rule
that was put on display at the Office of the Federal Register on November
2, 2010, and are based on current law which provides a negative update for
2011. However, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services will quickly
work to update MPFS payment rates in the event Congress passes legislation
to prevent the negative update from going into effect on January 1, 2011.
We encourage physicians and other affected practitioners to consider the
possibility of this legislation as you evaluate decisions related to your
annual participation election. Please be on the alert for more information
about the 2011 physician update as it becomes available.

2009 Electronic Prescribing (eRx) Incentive Program: Payments
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is pleased to announce
that incentive payments for the 2009 Electronic Prescribing (eRx) Incentive
Program were made to eligible professionals who met the criteria for
successful reporting. This article includes information about how to
identify eRx payments on your paper or electronic remittance advice.

Implementation of HIPAA Version 5010 & D.0 Transactions Call
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) will host its 12th
national education call regarding Medicare fee-for-service (FFS)
implementation of HIPAA Version 5010 and D.0 transaction standards on
Wednesday, November 17, focusing on Coordination of Benefits (COB). Subject
matter experts will review Medicare FFS specific changes, including those
arising from the adoption of the HIPAA 5010 Errata, as well as general
information to help the audience prepare for the transition. The
presentation will be followed by a Q&A session. The target audience for
this call includes vendors, clearinghouses and providers who will need to
make Medicare FFS specific changes in compliance with HIPAA version 5010

Registration for ONC Personal Health Records Roundtable Now Open
Online registration is now open for the roundtable on 'Personal Health
Records - Understanding the Evolving Landscape.' This free day-long public
roundtable, hosted by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health
Information Technology (ONC), will be held on Friday, December 3, 2010, at
the FTC Conference Center in Washington, D.C. Register to attend in person
or via Webcast by visiting the Health IT Web site.

Partial Code Freeze Prior to ICD-10 Implementation
This special edition article (SE1033) addresses the ICD-9-CM Coordination &
Maintenance (C&M) Committee meeting held on September 15, 2010. In that
meeting, the committee had finalized the decision to implement a partial
freeze for ICD-9-CM, ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS codes prior to implementation
of ICD-10 on October 1, 2013. Providers are encouraged to review the
information and to share with their staff.

November 17 Grandfathering Notification Deadline for DMEPOS Bidding Program
- Message From CMS
Once the Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics and Supplies
(DMEPOS) competitive bidding program becomes effective on January 1, 2011,
beneficiaries with Original Medicare who obtain competitively bid items in
competitive bidding areas (CBAs) must obtain these items from a contract
supplier for Medicare to pay, unless an exception applies. All non-contract
suppliers that furnish competitively bid rented durable medical equipment
(DME) or oxygen and oxygen equipment to beneficiaries in CBAs must decide
if they will elect to become grandfathered suppliers, notify beneficiaries
of their grandfathering decisions, and fulfill other requirements.

J1 PCC to Close in Observance of Thanksgiving Holiday
The J1 Provider Contact Center (PCC) will be closed in observance of the
Thanksgiving holiday on Thursday, November 25, 2010, and Friday, November
26, 2010. The PCC will reopen on Monday, November 29, 2010, at 7 a.m. PT.
Please share with your staff.

The ANCO Online ListServ has moved and is now sent directly from the ANCO office computer. Please contact if you wish to update or unsubscribe your e-mail address. Thanks!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Palmetto/J1MAC News

The following information has been received by ANCO.

Medicare Remit Easy Print (MREP) Enhancement
This J1 A/B MAC MLN Matters article (CR7178) announces the following list
of enhancements to the Medicare Remit Easy Print (MREP): 1) The MREP Demo
function has been updated to reflect current functionalities; and 2) A
report can be run now for Medicare Secondary Payer (MSP) Claims to
distinguish the Medicare secondary payments from the primary payments.
Providers using the MREP software need to obtain the new version in January
and install it to begin benefiting from these enhancements. Providers are
encouraged to review the information and to share it with their staff.

The Comprehensive Error Rate Testing (CERT) Fact Sheet (PDF, 321 KB)
The updated CERT Fact Sheet is now available on the J1 Web sites. Review
these facts before you submit to reduce claim submission errors and more.

J1 PCC to Close on November 11 for Veteran's Day
The J1 PCC will be closed on Thursday, November 11, 2010, in observance of
Veteran’s Day. The call center will reopen on Friday, November 12, 2010, at
7 a.m. PT. Please be sure to share with your staff.

Denials: Top Reasons and Procedures
Find denial reasons in plain language and tips for resolving them in the
Palmetto GBA Denial Resolution tool. Top denial reasons include services
for hospice patients; bundled services; Medicare is the secondary payer;
and bundled payment for pre- and post-operative visits.

Medicare Improves Access to Preventive Services for 2011
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued a final rule with
comment period that will implement key provisions in the Affordable Care
Act of 2010. These provisions expand preventive services for Medicare
beneficiaries, improve payments for primary care services and promote
access to health care services in rural areas. The new policies will apply
to payments under the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS) for services
furnished on or after January 1, 2011.

2009 Physician Quality Reporting Initiative (PQRI) Incentive Payment Update
Incentive payments for the 2009 Physician Quality Reporting Initiative
(PQRI) will begin this fall for eligible professionals who met the criteria
for successful reporting. Carriers and Medicare Administrative Contractors
(MACs) have begun processing and distributing 2009 PQRI incentive payments
on October 25, 2010. Distribution of 2009 PQRI incentive payments is
scheduled to be completed by November 12, 2010. These incentive payments
are paid as a lump sum to the Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) under
which the professional’s claims were submitted.

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Electronic Health Record
(EHR) Incentive Program: Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS)
Modifier for the EHR Incentive Program
This J1 Part B MLN Matters article (CR7035) announces that the Centers for
Medicare & Medicaid Services has developed a new Electronic Health Record
Health Professional Shortage Area Modifier AZ, which will allow eligible
professionals to report claims rendered in a dental HPSA when the ZIP code
does not fully fall within that dental HPSA. Providers are encouraged to
review the information and to share with their staff.

Palmetto GBA 1099/B Notice Request Form
The Palmetto GBA 1099/B Notice Request Form is now available online. Please
review and complete the form before submission.

J1 Part B LCDs Revised
Multiple J1 Part B LCDs have been revised. To view these LCDs, go to the
'LCDs and NCDs' Web page under the Medical Policies section of the J1 Part
B Web site. Please be sure to share with your staff.

Specialty Code for Advanced Diagnostic Imaging Services
This J1 A/B MAC MLN Matters article (CR7175a) was revised on November 4,
2010, to remove unnecessary language that had inadvertently referred to the
specialty code as a ‘DMEPOS’ code. All other information is the same. This
article announces that, effective April 1, 2011, the Centers for Medicare &
Medicaid Services (CMS) will establish a new specialty code (specialty code
95) for Advanced Diagnostic Imaging (ADI) Accreditation. Providers are
encouraged to review the information and to share with their staff.

The ANCO Online ListServ has moved and is now sent directly from the ANCO office computer. Please contact if you wish to update or unsubscribe your e-mail address. Thanks!

Friday, November 5, 2010

ACCC, CMA, & Palmetto/J1MAC News

The following information has been received by ANCO.

****ACCC NEWS****
The Association of Community Cancer Center's (ACCC) Connect was published and is available online at ANCO is an Institutional Member of ACCC. This edition features:

• CMS Issues Final 2011 HOPPS Rule and Physician Fee Schedule

• Updated Part B Drug Information Guide Available Online

• Take Our Short Survey: Risk Information and ESAs

• Heard on ACCC's ListServ: Infusion Center Staffing

• EHR Incentive Program: Certified Health IT Product List

• Drugs in the News

• November Supplement to Come: Clinical Update on Care in Indolent Lymphoma

****CMA NEWS****
The California Medical Association's (CMA) Alert was published and is available online at This edition features:

• CMA House of Delegates Adopts ACO Principles

• Has Your Contracted Health Plan or IPA Stopped Paying Claims?

• Medicare Claims Will Not Be Paid If Ordering or Referring Provider is Not in PECOS by January 3, 2011

• CMS PQRI Payments in the Mail

• New Issue of CMA Practices Resources (CPR) Now Available

ANSI v5010: CMS-1500 to ANSI 837 v5010 Crosswalk
This article is the third in a series regarding implementation of version
5010 as the new standard for all ANSI ASC X12N electronic transactions.
This article includes a crosswalk from the CMS-1500 claim form to the ANSI
837 v5010 electronic claim format.

Definition of a 'New Patient' for E/M Services
A ‘new patient’ is a patient who has not received any professional
services, such as evaluation and management (E/M) service or other
face-to-face service (e.g., surgical procedure) from the physician or
physician group practice (same physician specialty) within the previous
three years.

Evaluation and Management (E/M) Coding Reminders
This article provides guidance and helpful reminders about submitting
Evaluation and Management services.

Evaluation & Management (E/M) Coding Reminder: Group Practices
Physicians in the same group practice who are in the same specialty must
bill and be paid as though they were a single physician. If more than one
evaluation and management (face-to-face) service is provided on the same
day to the same patient by the same physician or more than one physician in
the same specialty in the same group, only one evaluation and management
service may be reported unless the evaluation and management services are
for unrelated problems. Instead of billing separately, the physicians
should select a level of service representative of the combined visits and
submit the appropriate code for that level. This article serves as an
important reminder of the long standing policy for physicians in a group
practice. Please be sure to share with your staff.

2010 - 2011 Seasonal Influenza (Flu) Resources for Health Care
This special edition article (SE1031a) was revised on October 26, 2010, to
include references to MLN Matters® article MM7120 (Influenza Vaccine
Payment Allowances – Annual Update for 2010 – 2011 Season) and to a new
Web-Based Training Module available on Medicare preventive services. In
this article, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) reminds
health care professionals that Medicare Part B reimburses health care
providers for seasonal flu vaccines and their administration. Medicare
provides coverage of the seasonal flu vaccine without any out-of-pocket
costs to the Medicare patient. Providers are encouraged to review the
information and to share with their staff.

Annual Clotting Factor Furnishing Fee Update 2011
This J1 A/B MAC MLN Matters article (CR7168) announces that for calendar
year 2011, the clotting factor furnishing fee of $0.176 per unit is
included in the published payment limit for clotting factors. The fee will
be added to the payment for a clotting factor when no payment limit for the
clotting factor is published either on the Average Sales Price (ASP) or Not
Otherwise Classified (NOC) drug. Providers are encouraged to review the
information and to share with their staff.

Twelfth National Education Call on Medicare Fee-For-Service (FFS)
Implementation of HIPAA Version 5010 and D.0 Transactions
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) will host its twelfth
national education call regarding Medicare FFS’s implementation of HIPAA
Version 5010 and D.0 transaction standards on November 17, 2010. This
session will focus on the Coordination of Benefits (COB).

The ANCO Online ListServ has moved and is now sent directly from the ANCO office computer. Please contact if you wish to update or unsubscribe your e-mail address. Thanks!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Palmetto/J1MAC News

The following information has been received by ANCO.

Partial Code Freeze Prior to ICD-10 Implementation
At the ICD-9-CM Coordination & Maintenance Committee Meeting (September 15,
2010), it was announced that the committee had finalized the decision to
implement a partial freeze for both ICD-9-CM codes, ICD-10-CM and
ICD-10-PCS codes prior to implementation of ICD-10 on October 1, 2013.
Please share this information with your staff.

November 2010 J1 A/B MAC Medicare Advisory
The November 2010 J1 A/B MAC Medicare Advisory is now available on the J1
Web site. Providers are encouraged to review the information and to share
with their staff.

ANSI v5010: New Electronic Claim Format Requirements for ANSI 837 v5010
This article is the second in a series regarding implementation of version
5010 as the new standard for all ANSI ASC X12N electronic transactions.
This article outlines the changes to the ANSI 837 Electronic Claim format
from v4010A1 to v5010.

Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation (HSCT) for
Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS)
This J1 A/B MAC MLN Matters article (CR7137) announces (through a National
Coverage Determination (NCD)) that, effective for claims with dates of
service on and after August 4, 2010, Medicare will cover the use of
Allogeneic HSCT for treatment of MDS under Section 1862(a)(1)(E) of The
Social Security Act (the Act) only if provided in the context of a
Medicare-approved clinical study meeting specific criteria under Coverage
with Evidence Development (CED). Providers are encouraged to review the
information and to share with their staff.

Counseling to Prevent Tobacco Use
This J1 A/B MAC MLN Matters article (CR7133) announces that the Centers for
Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) will cover counseling to prevent tobacco
use for outpatient and hospitalized beneficiaries. Effective for claims
with dates of service on and after August 25, 2010, CMS will cover tobacco
cessation counseling for outpatient and hospitalized Medicare
beneficiaries: 1) Who use tobacco, regardless of whether they have signs or
symptoms of tobacco-related disease; 2) Who are competent and alert at the
time that counseling is provided; and 3) Whose counseling is furnished by a
qualified physician or other Medicare-recognized practitioner. These
individuals who do not have signs or symptoms of tobacco-related disease
will be covered under Medicare Part B when the above conditions of coverage
are met, subject to certain frequency and other limitations. Providers are
encouraged to review the information and to share with their staff.

J1 Part B LCDs Revised
Multiple J1 Part B LCDs have been revised. To view these LCDs, go to the
'LCDs and NCDs' Web page under the 'Medical Policies' section of the J1
Part B Web site. Please be sure to share with your staff.

The ANCO Online ListServ has moved and is now sent directly from the ANCO office computer. Please contact if you wish to update or unsubscribe your e-mail address. Thanks!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

ACCC, CMA & Palmetto/J1MAC News

The following information has been received by ANCO.

****ACCC NEWS****
The Association of Community Cancer Center's (ACCC) Connect was published and is available online at ANCO is an Institutional Member of ACCC. This edition features:

• Heard on ACCC's ListServ: Cancer Registry Staffing

• ACCC Submits Comments to CMS on Autologous Cellular Immunotherapy Treatment of Metastatic Prostate Cancer

• Incentive Payment Update for PQRI

• Seeking Practitioners Who See Large Numbers of NSCLC Patients

****CMA NEWS****
The California Medical Association's (CMA) Alert was published and is available online at This edition features:

• State budget does not contain drastic health care cuts

• Register today for the 2010 cervical cancer and HPV vaccine summit

• CMS electronic prescribing incentive payments in the mail

• Next week is health care decisions week; physicians urged to talk to patients about end-of-life wishes

The 11th National Education Call on Medicare Fee-For-Service (FFS)
Implementation of HIPAA Version 5010 and D.0 Transactions
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) will host its 11th
national education call regarding Medicare FFS’ implementation of HIPAA
Version 5010 and D.0 transaction standards on October 27, 2010. This
session will focus on the National Council for Prescription Drug Programs
(NCPDP) Version D.0 transaction. Subject matter experts will review
Medicare FFS specific changes as well as general information to help the
audience prepare for the transition; the presentation will be followed by a
Q&A session.

2011 Medicare Participation Enrollment & Fee Schedule Information
We are again excited to provide you with a CD-ROM packed full of useful
information, which will include the 2011 Medicare Participation Enrollment
form and other valuable information. We anticipate that the CD-ROM will be
mailed in November 2010 and will contain the following: Announcement,
Resource and contact listing, and CY 2011 Medicare Participation Enrollment
announcement and agreement.

J1 Part B LCDs Revised
Multiple J1 Part B LCDs have been revised. To view these LCDs, go to the
'LCDs and NCDs' Web page under the 'Medical Policies' section of the J1
Part B Web site. Please be sure to share with your staff.

Incentive Payment Update for 2009 Physician Quality Reporting Initiative
Incentive payments for the 2009 Physician Quality Reporting Initiative
(PQRI) are available this fall for eligible professionals who met the
criteria for successful reporting. Carriers and Medicare Administrative
Contractors (MACs) will begin processing and distributing 2009 PQRI
incentive payments on October 25, 2010. Distribution of 2009 PQRI incentive
payments is scheduled to be completed by November 12, 2010.

Notice of New Interest Rate for Medicare Overpayments & Underpayments: 1st
Notification for FY 2011
The Department of the Treasury has notified the Department of Health and
Human Services that the private consumer rate has been changed to 10.75
percent effective October 22, 2010, for Medicare overpayments and

The ANCO Online ListServ has moved and is now sent directly from the ANCO office computer. Please contact if you wish to update or unsubscribe your e-mail address. Thanks!