Friday, November 19, 2010

ACCC, CMA & Palmetto/J1MAC News

The following information has been received by ANCO.

****ACCC NEWS****
The Association of Community Cancer Center's (ACCC) Connect was published and is available online at ANCO is an Institutional Member of ACCC. This edition features:

• Update on Commission of Cancer Program Standards Revision

• Conference Call: November 19 to Discuss Final 2011 HOPPS Rule and Physician Fee Schedule.

• FDA Approves Eisai's Halaven Injection for Treatment of Metastatic Breast Cancer

• Heard on ACCC's ListServ: Staffing Guidlines

• New Certifications: Oncology and Women's Health EHR

****CMA NEWS****
The California Medical Association's (CMA) Alert was pubished and is available online at This edition features:

• CMA Stops Proposed Medicare Geographic Payment Cuts

• CMA Launches Campaign to Stop Medicare Cuts

• Two CMA Physicians Elected to State Assembly

• Time To Declare Medicare Participation for 2011

• CMA Publishes Guide to Obtaining Federal Funding for EHRs

• Webinar: EHRs--Meaningful Use

2010 E-Prescribing Incentive Program Measurement Code Reporting Update
All eligible professionals (EPs) are encouraged to follow the current 2010
E-Prescribing (eRx) incentive program requirements. EPs should check the
measure specifications at the beginning of each year because they may
change. The correct measurement code to bill in 2010 for calculations of
the 2010 eRx incentive payment is HCPCS code G8553. The 2009 eRx
measurement codes have been accepted for processing by the Medicare claims
systems. However, in October, a temporary change occurred that led to the
rejection of 2009 eRx codes. EPs cannot resubmit claims that may have been
rejected with the 2009 eRx measurement codes. Submissions reported using a
qualified registry or a qualified electronic health record will not be
affected by this situation.

Time Limit Denials
The time limit for filing claims to Medicare has changed. The changes
apply to Medicare primary and secondary claims. Claims with dates of
service October 1, 2008 through December 31, 2009, must be filed no later
than December 31, 2010. Services performed on or after January 1, 2010,
must be filed within one year from the date of service. Please review your
billing records carefully to ensure that your claims are filed on time.
Review this article for more information.

Important Timely Filing Requirement Information: Reminder
If you are a Medicare fee-for-service (FFS) physician, provider or supplier
submitting claims to Medicare for payment, this is very important
information you need to know. Effective immediately, any Medicare FFS claim
with a date of service on or after January 1, 2010, must be received by
your Medicare contractor no later than one calendar year (12 months) from
the claim’s date of service, or Medicare will deny the claim.

Implementation of ERRATA Version 5010 of Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act (HIPAA) Transactions and Updates in 837I, 837P and 835
Flat Files
This J1 A/B MAC MLN Matters (CR7202) alerts and updates providers about the
administrative simplification provisions of Health Insurance Portability
and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Regulations that the Secretary of the
Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) is required to adopt
regarding standard electronic transactions and code sets. Currently, CMS is
in the process of implementing an ERRATA version of 5010 of the HIPAA
transactions as well as the updates to the 837I, 837P and 835 flat files.
Be sure that you will be compliant with this next HIPAA standard by January
1, 2012. Providers are encouraged to review the information and to share
with their staff.

Implementation of the PWK (Paperwork) Segment for X12N Version 5010
This J1 A/B MAC MLN Matters article (CR7041a) was revised on November 12,
2010, to reflect a revised CR 7041 issued on November 10, 2010. The
effective and implementation dates have been changed. In addition, the CR
transmittal number, release date and the Web address for accessing CR 7041
were revised. All other information is the same. The article announces the
implementation of the PWK (paperwork) segment for X12N Version 5010. The
PWK segment provides the ‘linkage’ between electronic claims and additional
documentation which is needed for claims adjudication. Providers are
encouraged to review the information and to share with their staff.

Outpatient Therapy Cap Values for CY 2011
This J1 A/B MAC MLN Matters article (CR7107) describes the Centers for
Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) policy for outpatient therapy caps for
Calendar Year (CY) 2011. Therapy caps for 2011 will be $1,870. The
exceptions process will continue unchanged for the time frame directed by
Congress. Providers are encouraged to review the information and to share
with their staff.

2011 Medicare Part B Fee Schedule: Northern California
The Northern California 2011 Medicare Part B Fee Schedule is now available
and is effective for services performed on or after January 1, 2011. As you
know, Medicare payment rates under the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule
(MPFS) are set according to statutory criteria. The following 2011 MPFS
payment rates are reflective of the 2011 Physician Fee Schedule Final Rule
that was put on display at the Office of the Federal Register on November
2, 2010, and are based on current law which provides a negative update for
2011. However, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services will quickly
work to update MPFS payment rates in the event Congress passes legislation
to prevent the negative update from going into effect on January 1, 2011.
We encourage physicians and other affected practitioners to consider the
possibility of this legislation as you evaluate decisions related to your
annual participation election. Please be on the alert for more information
about the 2011 physician update as it becomes available.

2009 Electronic Prescribing (eRx) Incentive Program: Payments
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is pleased to announce
that incentive payments for the 2009 Electronic Prescribing (eRx) Incentive
Program were made to eligible professionals who met the criteria for
successful reporting. This article includes information about how to
identify eRx payments on your paper or electronic remittance advice.

Implementation of HIPAA Version 5010 & D.0 Transactions Call
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) will host its 12th
national education call regarding Medicare fee-for-service (FFS)
implementation of HIPAA Version 5010 and D.0 transaction standards on
Wednesday, November 17, focusing on Coordination of Benefits (COB). Subject
matter experts will review Medicare FFS specific changes, including those
arising from the adoption of the HIPAA 5010 Errata, as well as general
information to help the audience prepare for the transition. The
presentation will be followed by a Q&A session. The target audience for
this call includes vendors, clearinghouses and providers who will need to
make Medicare FFS specific changes in compliance with HIPAA version 5010

Registration for ONC Personal Health Records Roundtable Now Open
Online registration is now open for the roundtable on 'Personal Health
Records - Understanding the Evolving Landscape.' This free day-long public
roundtable, hosted by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health
Information Technology (ONC), will be held on Friday, December 3, 2010, at
the FTC Conference Center in Washington, D.C. Register to attend in person
or via Webcast by visiting the Health IT Web site.

Partial Code Freeze Prior to ICD-10 Implementation
This special edition article (SE1033) addresses the ICD-9-CM Coordination &
Maintenance (C&M) Committee meeting held on September 15, 2010. In that
meeting, the committee had finalized the decision to implement a partial
freeze for ICD-9-CM, ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS codes prior to implementation
of ICD-10 on October 1, 2013. Providers are encouraged to review the
information and to share with their staff.

November 17 Grandfathering Notification Deadline for DMEPOS Bidding Program
- Message From CMS
Once the Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics and Supplies
(DMEPOS) competitive bidding program becomes effective on January 1, 2011,
beneficiaries with Original Medicare who obtain competitively bid items in
competitive bidding areas (CBAs) must obtain these items from a contract
supplier for Medicare to pay, unless an exception applies. All non-contract
suppliers that furnish competitively bid rented durable medical equipment
(DME) or oxygen and oxygen equipment to beneficiaries in CBAs must decide
if they will elect to become grandfathered suppliers, notify beneficiaries
of their grandfathering decisions, and fulfill other requirements.

J1 PCC to Close in Observance of Thanksgiving Holiday
The J1 Provider Contact Center (PCC) will be closed in observance of the
Thanksgiving holiday on Thursday, November 25, 2010, and Friday, November
26, 2010. The PCC will reopen on Monday, November 29, 2010, at 7 a.m. PT.
Please share with your staff.

The ANCO Online ListServ has moved and is now sent directly from the ANCO office computer. Please contact if you wish to update or unsubscribe your e-mail address. Thanks!

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