Friday, June 20, 2008

CMS/Medicare: Medicare Fee-for-Service (FFS) National Provider Identifier (NPI) Update & Part B Issues Identified

As of 5/23/08, the National Provider Identifier (NPI) became mandatory on all HIPAA claims transactions and on Medicare paper transactions as well. All transactions must be submitted with the NPI in fields requiring a provider identifier (see items 1-3 below concerning the reporting of the Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)). The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) continues to see progress with NPI compliance and most Medicare contractors are reporting over 95 percent of claims contain only NPI. However, for some of the relatively few claims which continue to reject, we have determined that some of the reasons are related to the following issues identified for Part B claims:

1) The Employer Identification Number (EIN) or Social Security Number (SSN) being submitted in the 2010AA / REF02 (Billing Provider Secondary Identifier), 2010AB / REF02 (Pay to Provider Secondary Identifier) and/or 2310B / REF02 (Rendering Provider Secondary Identifier) of the Medicare X12N 837P transaction does not match the TIN information on the Medicare crosswalk.

2) While EIN or SSN is not required to be submitted in the 2310B loop for Medicare claims, if submitted, the appropriate qualifier must be submitted in the 2310B / REF01.
· Qualifier EI must be submitted in the 2310B / REF01 when an EIN is being submitted in the REF02.
· Qualifier SY must be submitted in the 2310B / REF01 when an SSN is being submitted in the REF02.

3) The Medicare legacy provider identifier is being submitted in the primary and/or secondary provider loops. Legacy provider numbers are no longer allowed on ANY Medicare claim or transaction. If sent, the claim or transaction will reject.
Medicare providers should review this list and take appropriate actions to resolve problems they may be experiencing. As a result, providers may decide to stop sending non-required segments, such as the TIN in 2310B/REF02 of the X12N 837P transaction. Providers may also want to consult their clearinghouses or software vendors for additional advice to solve the issues listed in this message.

Need More Information?
Still not sure what an NPI is and how you can get it, share it and use it? As always, more information and education on the NPI can be found through the CMS NPI page on the CMS website. Providers can apply for an NPI online at or call the NPI enumerator to request a paper application at 1-800-465-3203. Having trouble viewing any of the URLs in this message? If so, try to cut and paste any URL in this message into your web browser to view the intended information.

Note: All current and past CMS NPI communications are available by clicking "CMS Communications" in the left column of the CMS webpage.

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