Thursday, July 31, 2008

CMS/Medicare: How Professionals Should Register to Access their 2007 Physician Quality Reporting Initiative (PQRI) Feedback Reports

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has announced that 2007 PQRI Final Feedback Reports are available on a secure website.

The first step is to register for access through a CMS security system known as the Individuals Authorized Access to CMS Computer Services (IACS). Do not register if you did not report PQRI quality measures in 2007.

There are two categories of user types in IACS: individual practitioner and organization. The CMS approval process differs depending on the type of user you are; therefore, it is important to register correctly.

Follow these instructions if you are a professional paid by Medicare directly (you have not reassigned Medicare payments to a group practice):

If you do not have employees, the CMS approval process requires you to register as an individual practitioner and access the PQRI 2007 feedback report personally. Some solo professionals have incorrectly registered in IACS as organizations, and have had to reregister as individual practitioners.

If you have employees and therefore are an organization for tax purposes, you may select one of 2 options:

Option 1: Register in IACS as an organization if you will use one or more employees to access IACS and/or your PQRI feedback reports, OR

Option 2: Register in IACS through the Individual Practitioner role if you will access the PQRI report personally.

If you are a professional who has reassigned Medicare payments to a group practice:

Do NOT register in IACS unless you are one of the individuals designated to do so by the group practice.

Group practices will register in IACS as organizations. Up to 2 individuals will be able to access the 2007 PQRI feedback report for each organization that registers in IACS. One 2007 PQRI feedback report will be prepared for each taxpayer identification number (TIN). The group practice will be responsible for sharing National Provider Identifier (NPI) level information with the appropriate professionals within the group practice.

For more Information:

IACS Quick Reference Guides may be found at on the CMS website. Summary information about accessing the 2007 PQRI feedback reports for those registering as organizations and individual practitioners will soon be posted on on the CMS website.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

CMS/Medicare: 2008 Physician Quality Reporting Initiative (PQRI) ~ National Provider Call to be held on August 13th

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ (CMS) Provider Communications Group will host the sixth in a series of national provider conference calls on the 2008 Physician Quality Reporting Initiative (PQRI). This toll-free call will take place from 3:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m., EDT, on Wednesday, August 13, 2008.

This call will provide an overview of the PQRI provisions in the new Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act (MIPPA) of 2008; information on the E-prescribing measure for 2008 PQRI (measure #125) and proposed measures for 2009 PQRI; incentives for electronic prescribing outlined in the MIPPA; an update on registry reporting for 2008, and a question and answer session.

A PowerPoint slide presentation will be posted to the PQRI web page at on the CMS website for you to download prior to the call so that you can follow along with the presenters, Dr. Michael Rapp, and Dr. Daniel Green.

Following the presentation, callers will have an opportunity to ask questions of CMS subject matter experts.

Conference call details:

Date: August 13, 2008
Conference Title: 2008 Physician Quality Reporting Initiative National Provider Call
Time: 3:30-5:00 EDT

In order to receive the call-in information, you must register for the call. It is important to note that if you are planning to sit in with a group, only one person needs to register to receive the call-in data. This registration is solely to reserve a phone line, NOT to allow participation. If you cannot attend the call, replay information is available below.

Registration will close at 3:30 p.m. EDT on August 12, 2008, or when available space has been filled. No exceptions will be made, so please be sure to register prior to this time.

To register for the call participants need to go to

Fill in all required data.

Verify your time zone is displayed correctly the drop down box.

Click "Register".

You will be taken to the “Thank you for registering” page and will receive a confirmation email shortly thereafter. Note: Please print and save this page, in the event that your server blocks the confirmation emails. If you do not receive the confirmation email, please check your spam/junk mail filter as it may have been directed there.

For those of you who will be unable to attend, a replay option will be available shortly following the end of the call. This replay will be accessible from 5:30 p.m. EDT 8/13/2008 until 11:59 p.m. EDT 8/20/2008. The call in data for the replay is (800) 642-1687 and the passcode is 55967176.

If you require services for the hearing impaired please send an email to

Palmetto/J1MAC Website Update

The following updates have been posted to the Palmetto/J1MAC website.

Telephone Reopenings

Providers and Beneficiaries may request to have their Medicare claim
reopened over the telephone. A claim can be reopened to correct minor
errors or omissions by calling our toll free line at 1-866-669-5543 Monday
through Friday from 7:00a.m. to 3:00p.m. Pacific Time. A maximum of three
(3) requests can be handled during the same phone call.

Applies to:
Part B Transition: General

Urgent Information for J1 NHIC EDI Submitters

J1 NHIC EDI Submitters: Urgent information regarding our EDI transition
schedule is now available.

Applies to:
Part B Transition: EDI

HR1108: Your Action is Needed

The following information is provided by the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO).

Call to Action - H.R. 1108 - The Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act

This could be a very big week for tobacco control. The House of Representatives is expected to take a historic vote on critical legislation to give FDA the authority to regulate tobacco products on Wednesday, July 30.

Please contact your Representative before 12:00 PM Wednesday and tell him or her to vote YES on H.R. 1108, the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act. H.R 1108 would grant FDA the ability to regulate tobacco products, restrict advertising and marketing of tobacco products, control nicotine levels, and prescribe warning labels.

Tell your Representative to vote YES on H.R. 1108 to grant the FDA authority over tobacco products.

The time to act is here. Please encourage your members to call their Representatives today. To find your Representative’s contact information, please visit ASCO’s Grassroots Action Center.

Please contact Tara Leystra with ASCO's Cancer Policy and Clinical Affairs Department via email at if you have any questions or feedback.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Palmetto/J1MAC Website Update

The following updates have been posted to the Palmetto/J1MAC website.

Does Palmetto GBA only accept paper claims printed from a laser printer?

Does Palmetto GBA only accept paper claims printed from a laser printer?

Applies to:
Part A Transition: General
Part B Transition: General

Our provider has two offices, one that bills paper claims and one that must
bill electronically, due to missing filing paperwork. After the
transition, will our office be able to file the appropriate paperwork to
file paper claims?

Our provider has two offices, one that bills paper claims and one that must
bill electronically, due to missing filing paperwork. After the
transition, will our office be able to file the appropriate paperwork to
file paper claims?

Applies to:
Part A Transition: EDI
Part B Transition: EDI
Part A Transition: General
Part B Transition: General

Part B

Palmetto GBA has posted articles outlining Part B claims processing
changes and/or reminders. The information contained in these articles is
applicable after the transition to the MAC contractor. Billing and
submission processes used by the current contractor remains in effect until
after the transition.

New articles added 7/24/2008:
* Ambulatory Surgical Centers
* Avastin Coverage for Age-Related Macular Degeneration
* CPT Modifier 24
* CPT Modifier 79
* Drug Injections and Infusions - Use of Quantity Billed Field
* Electronic Claims and FAX Attachments
* Electronic Claims - Valid MSP Types
* Hemophilia Clotting Factors
* Hospice Services
* How to Submit an NOC Drug Code
* Interpretation of a Peripheral Blood Smear
* Modifiers that Require Additional Documentation
* MSP Claims Submitted with Patient Paid Amount
* Multiple NOC Drug Codes
* Repeat or Duplicate Service on Same Day
* Submitting Claims for Compounded Medications

Applies to:
Part B Transition: General

Part B Interactive Voice Response (IVR) Job Aids

For assistance in obtaining Medicare Part B (including Claim, Financial,
General and Eligibility) information using the Palmetto GBA Interactive
Voice Response (IVR) system, please refer to these Job Aids.

Applies to:
Part B Transition: General

Telephone Reopenings

Providers and Beneficiaries may request to have their Medicare claim
reopened over the telephone. A claim can be reopened to correct minor
errors or omissions by calling our toll free line at 1-866-669-5543 Monday
through Friday from 7:00a.m. to 3:00p.m. Pacific Time. A maximum of three
(3) requests can be handled during the same phone call.

Applies to:
Part B Transition: General

When a beneficiary is retroactively granted Medicare eligibility, does
Palmetto GBA have the capability to view when decision was made so that
claims filed beyond the time limit do not deny?

When a beneficiary is retroactively granted Medicare eligibility, does
Palmetto GBA have the capability to view when decision was made so that
claims filed beyond the time limit do not deny?

Applies to:
Part A Transition: General
Part B Transition: General

When a resident is in a covered Part A stay, receives services from an
outside provider, and the provider sends a 1500 bill to the SNF for
payment, we use the CMS Carrier File 1 to determine the SNF's
responsibility. Is this correct?

When a resident is in a covered Part A stay, receives services from an
outside provider, and the provider sends a 1500 bill to the SNF for
payment, we use the CMS Carrier File 1 to determine the SNF's
responsibility. Is this correct?

Applies to:
Part A Transition: General
Part B Transition: General


The Association of Community Cancer Centers' This Week at ACCC was published today and is available at ANCO is an Institutional Member of ACCC.

It features:

New ACCC Analysis Available About CMS Proposed 2009 Rule

Five Great Reasons to Attend ACCC's September 17-20 Conference

Tell Your Pharmacists: An ACCC Meeting Just For Them

Do You Treat CML Patients? LAST chance for Docs to Take Our Survey

Heard on the ACCC Listserv, Reimbursement for Patient Education Services

Melanoma Incidence Among Young Women in the U.S. is Rising

ACCC's CE Blackboard: New Continuing Education Programs for You

State Medical Oncology Societies Host Upcoming Meetings

Monday, July 28, 2008

JCCN (Vol 6, No 6) Now Available

The July issue of JNCCN – The Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (Volume 6, Number 6) is now available at and features:

NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology™
Cancer- and Chemotherapy-Induced Anemia

Anemia is a common condition in patients with cancer, but treating it is controversial. The new 2008 NCCN Guidelines include updates in response to the recently released FDA recommendations that limit use of erythropoiesis-stimulating agents in patients with cancer.

and Hodgkin Disease/Lymphoma

The past few decades have seen significant progress in the management of Hodgkin disease/lymphoma; in fact, cure rates have increased so extensively that the overriding treatment considerations often relate to long-term toxicity. The NCCN Guidelines discuss the clinical management of Hodgkin disease/lymphoma.

Other featured articles include:

Report on the NCCN 3rd Annual Patient Safety Summit
The issues of patient safety and preventing medical errors routinely make headlines, but the work currently ongoing to develop new safety systems and processes may be far less noticeable. This article summarizes the NCCN 3rd Annual Patient Safety Summit, which examined processes central to maintaining patient safety in the oncology setting: medication reconciliation, communication during patient hand-offs, and reporting of events, including “near-miss” events that do not reach a patient or result in harm. [CME]

Erythropoiesis-Stimulating Agents in Oncology

Establishing an Anemia Clinic for Optimal Erythropoietic-Stimulating Agent Use in Hematology-Oncology Patients

Intravenous Iron in Oncology [CME]

Role of PET/CT Scanning in Initial and Post-Treatment Assessment of Hodgkin Disease

Coming Soon!

The August issue of JNCCN includes:

NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology™
Head and Neck Cancers

Other featured articles:
Low Molecular Weight Heparins as Extended Prophylaxis Against Recurrent Thrombosis in Cancer Patients
By Cocav A. Engman, MD, and Leo R. Zacharski, MD

The Role of Inhibitors of the Epidermal Growth Factor in Management of Head and Neck Cancer
By Bruce Brockstein, MD; Mario Lacouture, MD; and Mark Agulnik, MD

Controversies in the Management of Oropharynx Cancer
By Francis P. Worden, MD, and Huan Ha, MD

ANCO's ASCO/ONS Highlights 2008

ANCO's ASCO/ONS Highlights 2008
Saturday, September 6th, 2008, 8:00AM-1:00PM
The Claremont Resort • Ashby & Domingo Avenues
Oakland, California • (510) 843-3000


Program Overview
ASCO/ONS Highlights 2008 will summarize the major research and treatment advancements presented at this year’s ONS Congress and ASCO Annual Meeting. The program will focus on breast, gastrointestinal, genitourinary, gynecologic, and lung cancers as well as hematological malignancies. The faculty will place these developments in context as to their immediate clinical utility. A plenary talk on pharmacogenomics will also be presented.

Download the meeting announcement and registration form at

Educational Objectives
At the conclusion of this educational activity, participants should be able to:

• Review, summarize, and interpret new advances and implement changes in the treatment of breast, genitourinary, gynecologic, gastrointestinal, and lung cancers and hematological malignancies presented at the 2008 ASCO Annual Meeting.

• Review, summarize, and interpret new advances and implement changes in oncology nursing presented at the 2008 ONS Congress.

Target Audience
ASCO/ONS Highlights 2008 has been designed to meet the educational needs of oncologists, oncology nurses, oncology pharmacists, and other health-care professionals involved in the care of people with cancer.

This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the Essential Areas and Policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) through the joint sponsorship of Indiana University School of Medicine and the Association of Northern California Oncologists (ANCO).

Designation of Credit
The Indiana University School of Medicine is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians. The Indiana University School of Medicine designates this educational activity for a maximum of 4.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. The California State Board of Registered Nurses accepts courses approved for AMA PRA Category 1 Creditä as meeting the continuing education requirements for renewal.

Disclosure Statement
In accordance with the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) Standards for Commercial Support, educational programs sponsored by the Indiana University School of Medicine (IUSM) must demonstrate balance, independence, objectivity, and scientific rigor. All faculty, authors, editors, and Planning Committee members participating in IUSM-sponsored activity are required to disclose any relevant financial interest or other relationship with the manufacturer(s) of any commercial product(s) and/or provider(s) of commercial services that are discussed in an educational activity.

Program Planning Committee
The Physician Course Director for ASCO/ONS Highlights 2008 is David R. Gandara, MD, Univ. of California, Davis. Dr. Gandara was assisted by the ANCO Board of Directors (Richard A. Bohannon, MD, Norman Cohen, MD, Jeffrey Cronk, MD, Bradley Ekstrand, MD, Ellie Guardino, MD, PhD, John A. Keech, Jr., DO, L. Wayne Keiser, MD, Primo Lara, Jr., MD, Daniel P. Mirda, MD, Bimal J. Patel, MD, Robert L. Robles, MD, and Antoine Sayegh, MD), Institutional Member contacts (George A. Fisher, MD, Hope Rugo, MD, and Margaret Tempero, MD), and Group Member contact (Joseph Mason, MD) in the selection of the faculty for ASCO/ONS Highlights 2008.

Content Consultant
The Indiana University School of Medicine content consultant is Lawrence Einhorn, MD.

Supporters & Exhibitors
This educational activity is supported in part by AMGEN, AstraZeneca, Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals/Onyx Pharmaceuticals, biogenIDEC, Celgene, Eisai, Enzon Pharmaceuticals, Genentech BioOncology, Genomic Health, Genzyme Oncology, GlaxoSmithKline, ImClone Systems, Lilly Oncology, Merck, Millennium, Novartis Oncology, Ortho Biotech, OSI Pharmaceuticals, Pfizer Oncology, Roche Oncology, Sanofi Aventis Oncology, Spectrum Pharmaceuticals, Wyeth BioPharma, and possibly others (as of the date of this mailing). The final list of supporters and exhibitors will be available at the meeting.

Agenda & Faculty
David R. Gandara, MD, Program Moderator
Heinz-Josef Lenz, MD, Univ of Southern Calif
Jeffrey Wolf, MD, Univ of Calif, San Francisco
David R. Gandara, MD, Univ of Calif, Davis
Andrew H. Ko, MD, Univ of Calif, San Francisco
Patricia Palmer, RN, MS, AOCNS, Univ of Calif, Davis
Sandy Srinivas, MD, Stanford Univ
Sidney A. Scudder, MD, Univ of Calif, Davis
Louis Fehrenbacher, MD
The Permanente Medical Group

Palmetto/J1MAC Website Update

The following updates have been posted to the Palmetto/J1MAC website.

Mailing Addresses for Palmetto GBA EDI Operations

Please ensure you are using the correct address when sending J1 EDI
Enrollment forms to Palmetto GBA. Misrouted mail may encounter a processing

Applies to:
Part A Transition: EDI
Part B Transition: EDI

PC-ACE Pro32 Users Manual

Palmetto GBA's PC-ACE Pro32 Users Manual may have slight differences from
the software manual provided by your outgoing contractor. We are posting
our manual for your convenience, so that we can reference universal
software concepts that have been identified as common questions from the
customer community.

Applies to:
Part A Transition: EDI
Part B Transition: EDI

Friday, July 25, 2008

CMS/Medicare: MIPPA News--Waiving Retroactive Beneficiary Cost Sharing

The HHS Office of the Inspector General has issued a policy statement that assures Medicare providers, practitioners, and suppliers affected by retroactive increases in payment rates under the Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act (MIPPA) of 2008 that they will not be subject to OIG administrative sanctions if they waive retroactive beneficiary cost-sharing amounts attributable to those increased payment rates, subject to the conditions noted in the policy statement. To view the document, go to

Palmetto/J1MAC Website Updates

The following updates have been posted to the Palmetto/J1MAC website.

Part B

Palmetto GBA has posted articles outlining Part B claims processing
changes and/or reminders. The information contained in these articles is
applicable after the transition to the MAC contractor. Billing and
submission processes used by the current contractor remains in effect until
after the transition.

Applies to:
Part B Transition: General

Physical Mailing Address for Palmetto GBA EDI Operations

Please ensure you are using the correct address when sending J1 EDI
Enrollment forms to Palmetto GBA. Misrouted mail may encounter a processing

Applies to:
Part A Transition: EDI
Part B Transition: EDI

NHIC/Medicare: Website Updates

The following updates have been posted to the NHIC/Medicare website and are available at

The presentation from the July Webinar on Provider Enrollment NPI Troubleshooting is now available.

This article has been updated: When Outpatient Lab Tests Should be Billed to Part B

DHCS/Medical NPI Audio Conference

Special NPI Audio Conference for Medi-Cal Providers
Registration will close on Monday, July 28 at 5:00 p.m.

The Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) and EDS will host a special "NPI Question and Answer" audio conference for the Medi-Cal provider community regarding NPI billing, claim processing and other types of transactions that comply with HIPAA regulations on July 30, 2008, from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. Phone lines will be open for questions from providers after a brief presentation.

A panel of subject matter experts from DHCS, the Office of HIPAA Compliance, the Provider Enrollment Division (PED) and EDS will be available to respond to your NPI questions and concerns. Providers must register in order to reserve an open phone line, receive the call-in information and participate in the audio conference. Providers that are planning to join the conference with a group only need one group participant to register.

Questions and answers from the conference will be available on the Medi-Cal Web site on a future date.
Call 1-877-471-4350 or visit
Enter conference ID "930368" and provide the following required information:
1. Contact Name
2. Phone Number
3. Company Name
4. Location (Service Address)
5. Billing Code (10-digit NPI or 9-digit provider number)
You will receive a dial-in number and conference ID when registration is complete.

Palmetto/J1MAC Website Updates

The following updates have been posted to the Palmetto/J1MAC website.


Read the July 1, 2008, Part B J1 A/B MAC Meeting Minutes.

Applies to:
Part B Transition: General


Read the July 15, 2008, Part B J1 A/B MAC Meeting Minutes.

Applies to:
Part B Transition: General

ASH Practice Update: July 24, 2008

The American Society of Hematology's (ASH) Practice Update was published today and is available online at

It features:

Medicare Legislation Becomes Law: What's the Impact on Your Practice?

ASH Analysis of Proposed 2009 Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment Systems and Payment Rates for Ambulatory Surgical Centers

Medicare Announces Bonus Payments for PQRI

Comments Due August 11 on J4 MAC Draft Local Coverage Determination

ASH Recommendations Influence Local Policies in J12 Region

Congress Continues Development of Health IT Legislation

PhRMA Issues Revised Guidelines on Manufacturer Interactions With Health Care Professionals

2008 ASH State-of-the-Art Symposium

Blood Moves to Weekly Publication in 2009

Thursday, July 24, 2008

ASCO's Cancer Policy Today Published

The American Society of Clinical Oncology's (ASCO) Cancer Policy Today was published and is available online at

It features:

Senators Introduce $5.2 Billion FY 2008 Supplemental Funding for NIH

Congress Overrides President's Veto of Medicare Legislation

Senate Committee Passes $325M Increase for FDA

Senate Passes Conquer Childhood Cancer Act

ASCO Launches JOP Series on Exemplary Attributes of Research Sites

Your Participation Needed for the Physician Practice Information Survey

4th Annual Oncology Congress (Sept 25-28; San Francisco Hilton)

On behalf of the Oncology Congress Advisory Board, I cordially invite you to attend the 4th Annual Oncology Congress, September 25-28, at the Hilton San Francisco.

We've developed a very educational four-day meeting specifically for you, the US-based practicing clinician. Personally, this is one of the most amazing collections of talent that I have seen in a venue of this kind. Our faculty will focus specifically on clinically-relevant diagnosis and treatment advances. Each will present the latest clinical data and best practices that are directly applicable to achieving optimal patient outcomes. When you have a moment, please take a look at the program. I guarantee that you will leave the Congress with ideas you can directly apply to your practice the day you return from the conference.

Since you are a member of one of Oncology Congress’ partnering associations, Reed Medical Education is offering complimentary registration to the first 50 registrants. A special discounted rate has been set up for all other members: $395 for physicians, free for fellows and residents, and $195 for all other clinicians (nurses, practice managers, physician assistants, etc). When registering, use priority code ANCO to receive your special rate.

To ensure thought-provoking interaction, attendance is limited. You may want to register soon to reserve your place.

For more information on the conference and to register visit

I hope to see you in San Francisco this September.

Patrick J. Loehrer, Sr., MD, Chairperson, Oncology Congress
Director, Division of Hematology/Oncology
Bruce Kenneth Wiseman Professor of Medicine
Indiana University School of Medicine

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

CMS/Medicare: Website Updates

The following updates have been posted to the CMS/Medicare website.

SE0826 – Important Information on the New Medicare Law – The Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act of 2008

MM6115 – Hospice Discharge for Cause

MM6116 – Revision of the Requirements for Denial of Payment for New Admissions (DPNA) for Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) Billing

MM6128 – Revision to Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) Common Working File (CWF) Editing

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


The following information is provided by the Association of Community Cancer Centers (ACCC). ANCO is an Institutional Member of ACCC. It is available online at

It features:

More than 150 Listen to ACCC Conference Call on CMS Proposed 2009 Rules

Congress Overrides Presidential Veto to Pass Medicare Physician Payment Fix

September in San Francisco! What Could Be Better?

ACCC to Host Oncology Pharmacy Meeting in September

Do You Treat CML Patients? Still Looking for Docs to Take Our Survey

Heard on the ACCC Listserv, Standards in Infusion Suite

ACCC's CE Blackboard: New Continuing Education Programs for You

State Medical Oncology Societies Host Upcoming Meetings

ASCO e-News Published

The American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) e-News was published today and is available at

It features:

Applications for the 2009 ASCO Cancer Foundation Grants Program Now Being Accepted

Submit an Abstract for 2009 Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium

New Address, Phone Number for ASCO Headquarters

JCO Impact Factor Increases to 15.484 from 13.598

Editors Sought for ASCO Daily News and ASCO News & Forum

2008 Annual Meeting Products and Resources Available Online

Purchase Virtual Meeting, View Top Three ASCO Annual Meeting Presentations

Attend 2008 UICC World Cancer Congress

Cancer Policy Alert: Senate Passes Medicare Legislation, CMS Answers Questions about 10 Day Medicare Physician Payment Hold

For Your Patients: Cancer Education Slides Available for Patient, Community Presentations

For Your Patients: New Cancer.Net Feature Explains Electronic Health Records

For Your Patients: What to Expect During PET Scan

JCO Early Release Articles Examine Tumor Metabolism, Blood Flow Changes by PET in Breast Cancer; International Peripheral T-Cell and Natural Killer/T-Cell Lymphoma Study; Bendamustine Plus Rituximab in Patients with Relapsed Indolent B-Cell and Mantle Cell Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma; KRAS and EGFR as Biomarkers of Response to Erlotinib

Future JCO Table of Contents

CMA Alert: Congress Overrides Presidential Veto; Medicare Cuts Reversed

The California Medical Association (CMA) Alert was published today and is available online at

It features:

Congress Overrides Presidential Veto; Medicare Cuts Reversed for 2008- 2009

Medicare Will Automatically Reprocess Physician Claims Paid at Lower Rate

CMA Seeking Clarification on Blue Shield Contract Amendment

United to Withdraw 3,000 Overpayment Requests

Blue Cross Files Medi-Cal Managed Care Termination Notices in Eight Counties

Deadline to Submit Resolutions to CMA’s 2008 House of Delegates Is 8/5

Help Make the CMA Foundation Annual Dinner a Success

Member Benefit of the Week: 30-50% off Epocrates

Monday, July 21, 2008

UCSF's 3rd International Symposium on Cancer Metastasis and the Lymphovascular System

UCSF's (an ANCO Institutional Member) 3rd International Symposium on Cancer Metastasis and the Lymphovascular System will take place May 6-9, 2009 in San Francisco.

Visit for more information and to register.

DHCS/MediCal: NDC Reporting

Beginning September 1, 2008, providers are encouraged to begin using the National Drug Code (NDC) for physician-administered drugs, in conjunction with the customary Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) Level I, II, or III code, on all Medi-Cal claims. Claims for dates of service September 1, 2008 through March 31, 2009 that do not include an NDC will not be denied. However, for claims with dates of service on or after April 1, 2009 that do not meet the NDC reporting requirements of a valid NDC present with the HCPCS code, will result in that claim being denied.

As you are aware, the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 (DRA) requires all state Medicaid Agencies to collect rebates from drug manufacturers for physician-administered or dispensed drugs. This requirement also applies to Medicare crossover claims. Only those products manufactured by companies participating in the federal Medicaid rebate program are reimbursable under Medi-Cal. A list of manufacturers participating in the rebate program, which changes periodically, is available in the Medi-Cal pharmacy manual under Drugs: Contract Drugs List Part 5 – Authorized Manufacturer Labeler Codes (drugs cdl p5) or on the Medi-Cal website at:

This email is advance notice that the Department of Healthcare Services (DHCS) will soon be publishing the details regarding NDC reporting requirements. All documentation, such as Medi-Cal Updates and Companion Guides, are currently being updated. Those details include: NDC and physician-administered drug definitions; billing descriptions and examples for CMS 1500 and UB-04 paper claim forms, as well as both 837 Institutional and Professional electronic formats; and Section 340B information.

Should you have any questions or need additional information, please call the Telephone Service Center (TSC) at 1-800-541-5555 or visit the Medi-Cal Web site at the address listed above.

DHCS/MediCal: Code Conversions-Blood and Blood Derivatives

This article serves as a reminder that, effective for dates of service on or after August 1, 2008, the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) will discontinue the use of the current Medi-Cal interim codes for blood products and some services related to administering those products. These interim codes will be replaced by Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) Level II and Current Procedural Terminology (CPT-4) codes so as to be in compliance with provisions of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996, Public Law 104-191, 45 CFR 162.1000.

Complete details of the billing changes, including manual replacement pages (MRPs), can be found in the June release of the Medi-Cal Updates bulletin Part 2, which can be accessed from the Medi-Cal Web site by clicking on the “Publications” tab on the Home page. Click here to access the General Medicine Part 2 bulletin, found at

For additional assistance, providers may contact the Telephone Service Center (TSC) at 1-800-541-5555 or visit the Medi-Cal Web site at and access the NPI link on the “Featured” tab.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

CMS/Medicare: CY2009 Physician Fee Schedule

Section 1848(k)(2)(B)(ii) of the Social Security Act, as amended by the Medicare, Medicaid, and SCHIP Extension Act of 2007 (Pub. Law 110-173), requires the Secretary to publish a proposed set of quality measures that would be appropriate for eligible professionals to use to submit data in 2009 in the Federal Register by August 15, 2008. This proposed set of quality measures for the 2009 PQRI and the proposed 2009 PQRI reporting options were published in the Calendar Year 2009 Physician Fee Schedule Proposed Rule (73 FR 38558 through 38576) in the Federal Register on July 7, 2008

In the Proposed Rule, we identified and proposed a subset of the proposed 2009 PQRI measures as measures that we would accept reporting through electronic health records (EHRs) in 2009. Asterisks were used to signify such measures in Tables 11 and 13 of the Proposed Rule (73 FR 38568, 38571). Asterisks were inadvertently left off of two measures that we had intended to propose as measures that we would accept reporting through EHRs in 2009 Б─⌠ Measures #110 (Preventive Care and Screening: Influenza Immunization for Patients Б┴╔ 50 Years Old) and #111 (Preventive Care and Screening: Pneumonia Vaccination for Patients 65 years and Older) in Table 11 (73 FR 38569). We will be issuing a correction notice for the Proposed Rule that will include asterisks for Measures #110 and #111 so that the total number of measures proposed for EHR submission would be seventeen measures rather than fifteen measures.

CMS/Medicare: An Update on the 2007 PQRI Reporting Period

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid (CMS) today announced payment of more than $36 million in bonus payments to many of the more than 56,700 health professionals who satisfactorily reported quality information to Medicare under the 2007 Physician Quality Reporting Initiative (PQRI).

“Creating a value-based purchasing system is a critical way to improve our health care systems. By collecting quality data, health care providers can use the information to improve the quality care of beneficiaries,” said Health and Human Services Secretary Michael Leavitt.

Physicians, physician group practices, and other PQRI eligible professionals should receive their payments by August 2008. The average incentive amount for individual professionals is over $600 and average incentive payment for a physician group practice is over $4,700, with the largest payment to a physician group practice totaling over $205,700.

The PQRI is part of the President’s Value-driven Health Care Agenda that seeks to address current problems in the health care sector regarding preventable errors, uneven quality of care and rising health care costs.
More information about the PQRI program, including how eligible professionals can participate and the criteria to qualify for an incentive payment is available at

To read the entire CMS Press release issued today, click here:

CMS/Medicare: New 2008 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Payment Rates Effective for Dates of Service July 1, 2008 through December 31, 2008

New 2008 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Payment Rates Effective for Dates of Service July 1, 2008 through December 31, 2008

The Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act of 2008 was enacted on July 15, 2008. As a result, the mid-year 2008 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS) rate of -10.6 percent has been replaced with a 0.5 percent update, retroactive to July 1, 2008.

Physicians, non-physician practitioners and other providers of services paid under the MPFS should begin to receive payment at the 0.5 % update rates in approximately 10 business days, or less. Medicare contractors are currently working to update their payment system with the new rates.

In the meantime, to avoid a disruption to the payment of claims for physicians, non-physician practitioners and other providers of services paid under the MPFS, Medicare contractors will continue to process the claims that have been on hold on a rolling basis (first in/first out) for payment at the -10.6% update level. After your local contractor begins to pay claims at the new 0.5% rate, to the extent possible, the contractor will begin to automatically reprocess any claims paid at the lower rates.

Under the Medicare statute, Medicare pays the lower of submitted charges or the Medicare fee schedule amount. Claims with dates of service July 1 and later billed with a submitted charge at least at the level of the January 1 – June 30, 2008, fee schedule amount will be automatically reprocessed. Any lesser amount will require providers to contact their local contractor for direction on obtaining adjustments. Non-participating physicians who submitted unassigned claims at the reduced nonparticipation amount also will need to request an adjustment.

Contractor websites are being updated with the new rates and these should be available shortly.

Be aware that any published MLN Matters articles affected by the new law will be revised or rescinded as appropriate.

Finally, be on the alert for more information about other legislative provisions which may affect you.

Further instructions regarding other provisions of MIPPA will be forthcoming.

Palmetto/J1MAC Website Updates

The following updates have been posted to the Palmetto/J1MAC website.

Currently, information submitted to NHIC in CMS 1500 claim form Item 10D is
rejected/denied by NHIC. How will this be handled once claims are
submitted to Palmetto GBA?

Currently, information submitted to NHIC in CMS 1500 claim form Item 10D is
rejected/denied by NHIC. How will this be handled once claims are
submitted to Palmetto GBA?

Applies to:
Part B Transition: General


Read the July 1, 2008, Part B J1 A/B MAC Meeting Minutes.

Applies to:
Part B Transition: General

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

ASCO Policy Alert: Congress Overrides President's Veto of Medicare Legislation

ASCO's Cancer Policy Alert was published today and can be viewed online at

Yesterday, the President vetoed H.R. 6331, the Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act of 2008, the bill that would avert the 10.6% cut to Medicare physician payments the Medicare legislation that would avert the 10.6 percent cut. The House and Senate both voted to override the veto yesterday evening.

The law will provide a 0.5% increase for the remainder of 2008 (retroactive to July 1) and a 1.1% increase for 2009. ASCO will update you on the plans for implementation once the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) releases information.

Palmetto/J1MAC Website Updates

The following information is provided by Palmetto/J1MAC.

Part B Transition Web-based Trainings

More Dates Added with Later Start Times! Please register for one of the
upcoming Part B Web-based trainings. We've just added new sessions on July
21, 2008 at 7 p.m. EST or July 22, 2008 at 7 p.m. EST.

Applies to:
Part B Transition: General

Vendors, Billing Services and Clearinghouses: Important Early Boarding

This is a very important Early Boarding Notification specifically geared to
Vendors, Billing Services and Clearinghouses regarding the Jurisdiction 1
transition to Palmetto GBA.

Applies to:
Part A Transition: EDI
Part B Transition: EDI

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

MGMA Washington Connexion 7/15: Act now! President vetoes Medicare physician payment bill

Today the president vetoed the Medicare Improvement Act for Patients and Providers (H.R. 6331). The House of Representatives must now schedule a new vote to override the veto, followed by a similar vote in the Senate. A two-thirds majority in each chamber must support a veto override for it to succeed.

Please use the grassroots hotline at 800.833.6354 to call Congress and urge lawmakers to immediately override the veto of H.R. 6331 to provide 18 months of positive Medicare payments to physicians and ensure that Medicare beneficiaries have access to quality care.

Please click the links below to see how your senators and representatives previously voted on this bill. If they voted "yea", thank them for their support of this important legislation and urge them to vote to override the presidential veto. If they voted "nay", urge them to reconsider their position and vote to override the veto.

This bill reverses the 10.6 percent cut to Medicare reimbursement that took effect July 1 and the projected 5.4 percent cut scheduled for 2009. It continues the 0.5 percent payment increase for 2008 and provides an additional 1.1 percent increase in 2009.

CMS/Medicare: Presentation Materials Posted for July 15, 2008 Special Open Door Forum on 2008 PQRI Reporting Initiative - Participation by the America

The PowerPoint Presentation for the July 15, 2008 Special Open Door Forum (ODF) has been posted on . They can be accessed by clicking on the link under the "Related Links Outside CMS" section at the bottom of the web page.


The Association of Community Cancer Centers' (ACCC) This Week at ACCC has been published and is available at

It features:

ACCC to Hold Thursday Conference Call on CMS Proposed 2009 Rules

Pharmacy Departments Lose Under ASP+4 CMS Proposal

Senate Passes 18-Month Medicare Physician Payment Fix

September in San Francisco! What Could Be Better?

ACCC to Host Oncology Pharmacy Meeting in September

Do You Treat CML Patients? Take Our Survey

Heard on the ACCC Listserv, Again and Again: Outpatient Infusion Center Tracking

Welcome Aboard to ACCC's Newest Members

ACCC's CE Blackboard: New Continuing Education Programs for You

State Medical Oncology Societies Host Upcoming Meetings

Medicare Bill Is Not Yet Law as White House Indicates President Will Veto

The White House has indicated that the President intends to veto the Medicare bill that the Congress has passed. If that happens, and may well take place on Tuesday (July 15th), the bill will have to go back to both the House and the Senate for votes to override the veto. It is assumed that both Houses of Congress have the votes required to overcome the veto; however, reports are that the Administration is reaching out to the Republican Senators who voted in favor of the bill in an attempt to convince three Senators to change their votes. Sixty-nine Senators voted for the legislation and 67 votes are needed to override a veto.

The President is under pressure to sign the Medicare bill because, without legislation, the 10.6% cut becomes effective tomorrow, July 15th. This is the date on which the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) indicated it will begin to process claims, with a date of service of July 1st or later, reflective of the 10.6% reduction. Even if the President decides to veto the bill, the current odds favor that the Congress will override the veto and the bill will be signed into law.

Monday, July 14, 2008

CMA Alert: President Expected to Veto Medicare Physician Payment Fix

Medicare Alert: Call Your Member of Congress TODAY!

Next week, the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate will vote to override the President’s planned veto of the bill to stop the 15% Medicare physician payment cuts (HR 6331). The President is vetoing HR 6331 because the physician payment fix is funded with Medicare Advantage health plan reforms.

Yesterday the Senate passed HR 6331 by a veto proof margin of 69-30. In a landslide vote the week before, the House passed the bill by a vote of 355-59. While both the House and the Senate have enough votes to override the President’s veto, the health plans are aggressively lobbying the Republicans to switch their votes to avert an override.

CMA Action Requested

Therefore, CMA needs all physicians to call their Members of Congress today (no need to call the Senators) and ask:

— Please vote yes on the HR 6331 veto override.
— Stop the 15% physician payment cuts.
— Help Medicare patients and military families keep their doctors.

Use the AMA Grassroots Hotline (800) 833-6354. Enter your zip code and it will automatically connect you to your Representative.


HR 6331 would reverse the 10.6% payment cut that took effect on July 1, 2008, and stop the 5% cut on January 1, 2009. It would provide a 0.5% update for the rest of 2008 and a 1.1% increase in 2009. The bill would pay for the rate restoration by minor tweeks to the Medicare Advantage program. It would require Private Fee-For-Service plans to have contracts with physicians and meet the same marketing and quality requirements the other health plans meet. It would end duplicative Indirect Medical Education payments to the Medicare Advantage plans that already go to the hospitals.

For California medical groups and physicians who contract with Medicare Advantage plans, HR 6331 does not cut Medicare Advantage in 2008-2009 while restoring nearly $10 billion in funding for all physician services. HR 6331 is good for all California physicians and their patients. If the 15% cut is not stopped, many physicians will be forced to reduce access to Medicare patients.

California HR 6331 Votes

Senators Boxer and Feinstein both voted YES.

All California Members of Congress voted YES except:
NO – Doolittle, Lungren, Herger, Radanovich, Campbell, Royce
NOT VOTING – Nunes, Speier

Palmetto/J1MAC Website Updates

The following updates have been posted to the Palmetto/J1MAC website.

Cancelled: Part B Web-based Training on July 14 at 12:30 p.m

The J1 A/B MAC Part B Web-based training on July 14 at 12:30 p.m. PST has
been cancelled. Please register to attend our next Part B Web-based
training on July 16, 2008 at 10 a.m. PST. We are sorry for any
inconvenience this may cause. Thank you.

Applies to:
Part B Transition: General

Noridian Customers (Segment 1): The J1 go live date is August 4, 2008!!?opendocument

Attention Noridian Customers (Segment 1): Begin sending your J1 claims to
Palmetto GBA (early board) immediately to avoid interruptions in your
Medicare payments. Review the website at for all
details. Waiting until the last minute to transition will cause payment and
support delays!

Applies to:
Part B Transition: EDI

Transition Communication

Palmetto GBA Publishes a Transition Communication article to Assist
Providers with a Smooth Transition to the Jurisdiction 1 (J1) Medicare
Administrative Contractor (MAC). The Palmetto GBA J1 Web site is filled
with very important transition information. We understand that getting to
all of the available information may be confusing. We have published an
article that incorporates important transition information with direct Web
site links. We hope this article provides a concise overview of transition
information. We do caution, however, not to use this article alone for
transition information because our Web site is updated almost daily with
pertinent information for a successful and smooth implementation.

Applies to:
Part A Transition: General
Part B Transition: General

Urgent Information for J1 Noridian EDI Submitters

J1 Noridian EDI Submitters: Urgent information regarding our EDI transition
schedule is now available.

Applies to:
Part B Transition: EDI

Thursday, July 10, 2008

CMS/Medicare Website Updates

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is pleased to announce that a new educational resource has been posted to the PQRI webpage on the CMS website and is available for ordering through the Medicare Learning Network product ordering system.

The following item is available for download on the PQRI Educational Resources web page:

2008 PQRI Reporting Options Quick Reference Chart- This two-sided laminated reference chart gives Eligible Professionals and practice staff a quick reference to the new reporting options available for 2008 PQRI with their corresponding alternative reporting periods.

To access this new, and all available, educational resource, visit on the CMS website and click on the Educational Resources tab. Once on the Educational Resources page, scroll down to the “Downloads” section and click on the “2008 PQRI Quick Reference Chart link.

To order this product, visit on the CMS website and click on the 2008 Physician Quality Reporting Initiative (PQRI) Reporting Quick Option Reference Chart (ICN# 900843)(May 2008) link.

ASCO's Cancer Policy Today Published

The American Society of Clinical Oncology's (ASCO) Cancer Policy Today was published and is available online at

It feautres:

Senate Passes Medicare Legislation

Proposed 2009 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Summary

CMS Answers Questions about 10 Day Medicare Physician Payment Hold

Wall Street Journal Reports on Rising Costs of Cancer Treatments

Ohio Passes Law Requiring Coverage for People on Clinical Trials

Cancer Leadership Council Endorses Access to Cancer Clinical Trials Act

Cancer Leadership Council Voices Concerns on Delayed FDA Expanded Access Rules

Your Participation Needed for the Physician Practice Information Survey

ASCO Conducting Learning Needs Assessment of Member Physicians

ASCO Moves to New Headquarters

The American Society of Clinical Oncology and The ASCO Cancer Foundation are moving on July 11, 2008 to

2318 Mill Road
Suite 800
Alexandria, VA 22314

Phone: +1-571-483-1300
Fax: +1-571-366-9530

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

ASCO's Cancer Policy Alert Published

The American Society of Clinical Oncology's (ASCO) Cancer Policy Alert was published today and is available at

This afternoon, the Senate passed H.R. 6331, the Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act of 2008, which would avert the 10.6% cut to Medicare physician payments, by a veto-proof majority. The House of Representatives passed H.R. 6331 before the July fourth recess, also by a veto-proof majority. The President has threatened to veto the bill and still might in order to force the House and Senate to override the veto.

The legislation would maintain the current 0.5% increase to physician payments from 2007for the remainder of 2008 (retroactive to July 1). The legislation also provides a 1.1% increase for 2009.

This bill had failed by one vote in the Senate on June 26, but Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-MA), while under active treatment for cancer, returned today to Washington D.C. to make this important vote to ensure that this bill passed.

Thank you to all of you who were in contact with your Representative and Senators during this difficult series of votes. Your outreach made a difference. ASCO will keep you updated as this legislation advances to the President.

Palmetto/J1MAC Website Updates

The following updates have been posted to the Palmetto/J1MAC website.

Part B Transition Web-based Trainings

More Dates Added! Palmetto GBA will be conducting Web-based trainings to
answer your questions concerning the transition. You will have an
opportunity to hear directly from your Medicare Administrative Contractor
(MAC) regarding such topics as transition dates, what is needed to continue
to bill electronically, how the Local Coverage Determination (LCD) process
will work, the differences in claims processing guidelines and much more.
You can now register to attend an upcoming Web-based training, find the
call-in number, and download training materials.

Applies to:
Part B Transition: General


Read the June 17, 2008, Part B J1 A/B MAC Meeting Minutes.

Applies to:
Part B Transition: General

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

NCI Teleconference Discusses Global ALTTO

Breast Cancer Clinical Trial to Treat Aggressive Form of Disease

A teleconference, sponsored by NCI’s Office of Advocacy Relations (OAR), on the Adjuvant Lapatinib and/or Trastuzumab Treatment Optimization (ALTTO) Breast Cancer Trial, is available in a replay format. To listen to the entire teleconference, dial toll-free within the U.S., 1-866-418-1750, through July 27, 2008.

Hear Dr. Edith Perez, ALTTO Principal Investigator and an oncologist in the North Central Cancer Treatment Group (NCCTG) at Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Fl.; Dr. Jo Anne Zujewski, Senior Investigator in the NCI Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program; and Ms. Judy Perotti, member of the NCCTG Patient Advocacy Committee and NCCTG Breast Steering Committee.

The ALTTO study is a global effort in which 8,000 participants in 50 countries across six continents will participate in a clinical trial that aims to test the effectiveness of two agents (trastuzumab and lapatinib) for the treatment of HER2-positive breast cancer. ALTTO will yield the first comparison of these two drugs in the earliest, most treatable stages of breast cancer.

Two large, academic breast cancer research networks, The Breast Cancer Intergroup of North America (TBCI) and the Breast International Group (GIP), have collaborated to develop this study. The ALTTO study sets itself apart from others in that all care and data collection will be standardized regardless of where the patient is treated, the collection of biological materials will occur as the trial is being conducted, and an emphasis on translational research is central to the study.

For more information, please read “New Study of Targeted Therapies for Breast Cancer Establishes Model for Global Clinical Trials Clinical Trial,” at:

Palmetto/J1MAC Website Updates

The following updates have been posted to the Palmetto/J1MAC website.

2008 Self Administered Drug (SAD) Exclusion List

The Self-Administered Drug Exclusion lists for Part A (contractor numbers
01101, 01201, 01301) and for Part B (contractor numbers 01202, 01302,
01102, 01192) are available on the MCD at Providers should
search the SAD Exclusion List Report by entering the effective dates which

Applies to:
Part A Transition: General
Part B Transition: General

J1 Transition Events Calendar

Please download the latest version of the J1 Transition Events Calendar to
replace what you may have previously downloaded from our Web site. This
version has the most up-to-date dates and times for the J1 transition
workshops, PTT calls, and Web-based trainings. Based on our customers'
feedback, we've noted the Pacific Time zones on all of our calendar events.

Applies to:
Part A Transition: General
Part B Transition: General

Part B

Palmetto GBA has posted articles outlining Part B claims processing
changes and/or reminders. The information contained in these articles is
applicable after the transition to the MAC contractor. Billing and
submission processes used by the current contractor remains in effect until
after the transition.

Applies to:
Part B Transition: General

CMS/Medicare Website Updates

The following information is provided by CMS/Medicare.

MM6104 – 2008 Physician Quality Reporting Initiative (PQRI) Establishment of Alternative Reporting Periods and Reporting Criteria

ASCO e-News Published

The American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) e-News was published and is available online at

It features:

Submit an Abstract for the ASCO-NCI-EORTC Annual Meeting on Molecular Markers in Cancer by July 9

Editors Sought for ASCO Daily News and ASCO News & Forum

2008 Annual Meeting Products and Resources Available Online

View Most Popular Annual Meeting Abstracts by Disease Type

Attend 2008 UICC World Cancer Congress

Cancer Policy Alert: CMS to Hold Claims for 10 Business Days; Urge Congress to Pass a Physician Payment Fix

For Your Patients: Cancer.Net Feature Articles Explore Tumor Boards, CT Scan Procedures

JCO Early Release Articles Examine Breast Cancer Onset in Twins and Women with Bilateral Disease; Phase II Study of Erlotinib in Recurrent or Metastatic Endometrial Cancer; Low-dose Interleukin-2 Immunotherapy in Older Patients With Acute Myeloid Leukemia; Mutation of the Wilms' Tumor 1 Gene Associated With Chemotherapy Resistance in Normal Karyotype Acute Myeloid Leukemia; Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Persistent Insomnia in Patients With Cancer

Future JCO Table of Contents


The Association of Community Cancer Centers' (ACCC) This Week At ACCC was published and is available online at

It features:

CMS Releases Proposed 2009 OPPS Rule, Seeks to Expand Quality Reporting

Medicare Adds Another Recognized Compendium

The Debate Continues on Physician Medicare Cuts; No Congressional Fix Yet

CMS Releases Proposed 2009 Physician Fee Schedule and Policy Changes

September in San Francisco! What Could Be Better?

ACCC to Host Oncology Pharmacy Meeting in September

Heard on the ACCC Listserv: GYN Oncologists

ACCC's CE Blackboard: New Continuing Education Programs for You

State Medical Oncology Societies Host Upcoming Meetings

Monday, July 7, 2008

CMA Alert: Medicare Physician Payment Rates Drop to 1994 Levels

The California Medical Association (CMA) Alert was published today and may be read online at

It features:

Congress Fails to Stop Medicare Cuts by July 1; Physician Payment Rates Drop to 1994 Levels

Physicians Urged to Carefully Review Beech Street Agreement

Medi-Cal Lawsuit Moves Forward; Hearing Set for 7/25

How the New Cell Phone Law Affect Physicians

AAHIVM, AMA Release Coding Guide for Routine HIV Testing

Register Now as a California Medical Volunteer to Provide Care in a Disaster

Deadline to Submit Resolutions to 2008 House of Delegates Is 8/5

CMA Legislative Update

Let United Healthcare Know What You Think

Member Benefit of the Week: 6% Off AthenaCollector

CMS/Medicare: 2008 Physician Quality Reporting Initiative (PQRI) National Provider Conference Call - Registration Ends July 8

REMINDER - The last day to register for the call is Tuesday, July 8th at 3:30 pm.

2008 Physician Quality Reporting Initiative (PQRI)
National Provider Conference Call with Question & Answer Session –Wednesday, July 9

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ (CMS) Provider Communications Group will host the fifth in a series of national provider conference calls on the 2008 Physician Quality Reporting Initiative (PQRI). This toll-free call will take place from 3:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m., EDT, on Wednesday, July 9, 2008.

This call will provide information on accessing your 2007 PQRI Feedback Report for those of you who participated in 2007, an overview of the 2008 PQRI participation options, and a question and answer session.

The Medicare, Medicaid, and SCHIP Extension Act of 2007 (MMSEA) (P.L. 110-173) which was enacted on December 29, 2007, requires that for 2008 and 2009 the Secretary establish alternative reporting periods and alternative criteria for satisfactorily reporting groups of measures. It also requires that for 2008 and 2009 the Secretary establish alternative reporting periods and alternative criteria for satisfactorily reporting quality measures data through registries.

In 2008, eligible professionals may earn an incentive payment of 1.5 percent of their total allowed charges for Physician Fee Service covered professional services furnished during the respective alternative reporting periods based on data submitted via these mechanisms. While TRHCA established a cap on incentive payments for 2007, based on an average per measure payment amount, there is no cap on incentive payments under MMSEA for 2008 and 2009.

These provisions provide increased opportunities for eligible professionals to report PQRI quality measures and the possibility to earn incentive payments for satisfactory reporting.

A PowerPoint slide presentation will be posted to the PQRI webpage at, on the CMS website for you to download prior to the call so that you can follow along with the presenters, Dr. Michael Rapp, Dr. Daniel Green and Rachel Nelson.

Following the presentation, callers will have an opportunity to ask questions of CMS subject matter experts.

Conference call details:

Date: July 9, 2008
Conference Title: 2008 Physician Quality Reporting Initiative National Provider Call
Time: 3:30-5:00 EDT

In order to receive the call-in information, you must register for the call. It is important to note that if you are planning to sit in with a group, only one person needs to register to receive the call-in data. This registration is solely to reserve a phone line, NOT to allow participation. If you cannot attend the call, replay information is available below.

Registration will close at 3:30 p.m. EDT on July 8, 2008, or when available space has been filled. No exceptions will be made, so please be sure to register prior to this time.

To register for the call participants need to go to

Fill in all required data.

Verify your time zone is displayed correctly the drop down box.

Click "Register".

You will be taken to the “Thank you for registering” page and will receive a confirmation email shortly thereafter. Note: Please print and save this page, in the event that your server blocks the confirmation emails. If you do not receive the confirmation email, please check your spam/junk mail filter as it may have been directed there.

For those of you who will be unable to attend, a replay option will be available shortly following the end of the call. This replay will be accessible from 5:30 p.m. EDT 7/9/2008 until 11:59 p.m. EDT 7/16/2008. The call in data for the replay is (800) 642-1687 and the passcode is 52755102.

If you require services for the hearing impaired please send an email

Palmetto/J1MAC Website Updates

Beneficiary Flyers

A Beneficiary flyer has been posted in both Spanish and English that you
can download and post in your offices. This flyer announces to the
Beneficiary community the change of Medicare contractor for their
Medicare claims processing and what they can expect to see differently.

Applies to:
Part A Transition: General
Part B Transition: General

Part B

Palmetto GBA has posted articles outlining Part B claims processing
changes and/or reminders. The information contained in these articles is
applicable after the transition to the MAC contractor. Billing and
submission processes used by the current contractor remains in effect until
after the transition.

Applies to:
Part B Transition: General

Thursday, July 3, 2008

NHIC/Medicare Website Updates

The following updates have been posted to the NHIC/Medicare website and may be viewed online at

Three educational articles have been revised: Erythropoiesis Stimulating Agents (ESA) Coverage and Claims Requirements, Concurrent Care by Physicians With Same Specialty Designation and Evaluation and Management Services Updates.

Registration is now being accepted for the webinar on Provider Enrollment NPI Troubleshooting.

The July Fee Schedules are now available in PDF and CSV formats, along with the original text format.

The PDF newsletter index has been updated to include the June 2008 newsletter.

ASCO Policy Alert Published

ASCO Urges Quick Resolution to SGR Crisis

Yesterday, ASCO met with Senate leaders to make clear it is vital that Congress pass the "Medicare Improvements to Patients and Providers Act" (H.R. 6331) to stave off a 10.6 percent cut to physician payments.

There are many issues that need to be addressed in the coming weeks, but SGR cuts are an immediate crisis of devastating proportions. The medical community must stand together for the benefit of all Medicare patients.

ASCO is continuing to lobby Congress to remove prompt-pay discounts from Medicare's Average Sales Price (ASP) formula, but we do not believe this provision should be included if it jeopardizes passage of SGR legislation.

Congress needs to act quickly to avoid potentially devastating consequences to millions of Medicare patients across our nation. To expedite this critical legislation, the Senate should pass H.R. 6331 without amendment upon returning from the July 4th recess.

ASCO urges all physicians to contact their Senators over the long weekend to advocate for swift passage of H.R. 6331 when Congress reconvenes July 7.

CMS/Medicare: Medicare Part B Drugs and Biologicals Competitive Acquisition Program (CAP): Post Payment Review and Medical Record Requests

The post-payment review process for the CAP is conducted to verify drug administration for Medicare claims submitted by an Approved CAP Vendor. For this process, a small sample of physician and Vendor claims and other documentation is examined in order to establish that drugs billed by an Approved CAP Vendor were administered and were medically necessary.

To support this review, participating CAP physicians may receive a request for copies of medical records from the CAP designated carrier, Noridian Administrative Services (NAS). Medicare requirements and the CAP Terms of Agreement require participating CAP physicians to submit all information necessary to support the services billed on claims.

Participating CAP physicians must submit medical records to NAS within the requested timeframe. This submission should include the patient’s drug administration record and all other records supporting medical necessity for the drug.

If CAP post payment review activity cannot establish that a drug was administered, then the vendor’s drug claim will be denied. The associated physician drug administration claim will also be referred to the physician’s local carrier for review and recoupment as necessary.

For additional information on the post payment review process, please visit NAS’s website at

CMS/Medicare: Medicare Part B Competitive Acquisition Program (CAP) for Drugs and Biologicals: July 1, 2008 CAP Drug List Update

The list of drugs available under the CAP has been updated and is now available in the ‘Downloads’ section on the CMS CAP “Information for Physicians” page at

The following drug has been added to the CAP effective July 1, 2008: Vectibix® panitumumab (J9303). The list of NDCs available under the CAP has also been updated.

CMS/Medicare: Questions and Answers on Announced 10 Day Hold

The Questions and Answers below apply to the recent decision by the Centers for Medicare & Medicare Services to hold for up to 10 business days claims paid under the Medicare physician fee schedule (MPFS) that contain July 2008 dates of service.

Q1. Will claims containing services paid under the MPFS be held that contain both June and July dates of service?
A1. Yes, your local contractor will hold the entire claim for 10 business days.

Q2. Will claims be held that contain both services paid under the MPFS and services paid under a separate fee schedule?
A2. Yes, claims that contain both services paid and not paid under the MPFS will be held. For example, a claim with a July date containing an Evaluation and Management code and a drug code would be held.

Q3. Does the holding of claims paid under the MPFS also include anesthesia and purchased diagnostic services?
A3. Yes, contractors will hold all claims with dates of service July 1, 2008, and after that contain services paid under the MPFS, including anesthesia and purchased diagnostic services.

OTN/Onmark Legislative Calls: July 15th and 16th

The following information is provided by OTN/Onmark, McKesson Specialty Companies, an ANCO Corporate Member.

Join your fellow community-practice physicians for a presentation and discussion, led by John Akscin, OTN's Vice President of Government Relations.


OTN and Onmark have scheduled two times for your convenience:

· Tuesday, July 15 at 3 p.m. CST

· Wednesday, July 16 at 12 p.m. CST


Call 877-719-9786 at least 10 minutes prior to the meeting start time. No pre-registration required!

Discussion will include:

· Medicare PFS Fix

· Summary CMS Proposed Rule, 2009 MC-PFS

· CMS Updates on Held Claims

· Update, 2007 PQRI Participant Reports

· Summary NEJoM, Physician Adoption of EHR

· Review, GAO Report, Expenses for MC-Part D

· Summary CBO Report on Biologics

· New Drug Reimb Info: Hycamtin Oral

· CMS Tidbits

· CMS Transmittals and MLMs

· Legislative Update

· Q&A

The Legislative, Regulatory and Reimbursement program is made possible through the generous support of Genentech. OTN appreciates their sponsorship of these calls.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

ANCO's ASCO/ONS Highlights 2008

ANCO's ASCO/ONS Highlights 2008
Saturday, September 6th, 2008, 8:00AM-1:00PM
The Claremont Resort • Ashby & Domingo Avenues
Oakland, California • (510) 843-3000


Program Overview
ASCO/ONS Highlights 2008 will summarize the major research and treatment advancements presented at this year’s ONS Congress and ASCO Annual Meeting. The program will focus on breast, gastrointestinal, genitourinary, gynecologic, and lung cancers as well as hematological malignancies. The faculty will place these developments in context as to their immediate clinical utility. A plenary talk on pharmacogenomics will also be presented.

Download the meeting announcement and registration form at

Educational Objectives
At the conclusion of this educational activity, participants should be able to:

• Review, summarize, and interpret new advances and implement changes in the treatment of breast, genitourinary, gynecologic, gastrointestinal, and lung cancers and hematological malignancies presented at the 2008 ASCO Annual Meeting.

• Review, summarize, and interpret new advances and implement changes in oncology nursing presented at the 2008 ONS Congress.

Target Audience
ASCO/ONS Highlights 2008 has been designed to meet the educational needs of oncologists, oncology nurses, oncology pharmacists, and other health-care professionals involved in the care of people with cancer.

This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the Essential Areas and Policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) through the joint sponsorship of Indiana University School of Medicine and the Association of Northern California Oncologists (ANCO).

Designation of Credit
The Indiana University School of Medicine is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians. The Indiana University School of Medicine designates this educational activity for a maximum of 4.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. The California State Board of Registered Nurses accepts courses approved for AMA PRA Category 1 Creditä as meeting the continuing education requirements for renewal.

Disclosure Statement
In accordance with the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) Standards for Commercial Support, educational programs sponsored by the Indiana University School of Medicine (IUSM) must demonstrate balance, independence, objectivity, and scientific rigor. All faculty, authors, editors, and Planning Committee members participating in IUSM-sponsored activity are required to disclose any relevant financial interest or other relationship with the manufacturer(s) of any commercial product(s) and/or provider(s) of commercial services that are discussed in an educational activity.

Program Planning Committee
The Physician Course Director for ASCO/ONS Highlights 2008 is David R. Gandara, MD, Univ. of California, Davis. Dr. Gandara was assisted by the ANCO Board of Directors (Richard A. Bohannon, MD, Norman Cohen, MD, Jeffrey Cronk, MD, Bradley Ekstrand, MD, Ellie Guardino, MD, PhD, John A. Keech, Jr., DO, L. Wayne Keiser, MD, Primo Lara, Jr., MD, Daniel P. Mirda, MD, Bimal J. Patel, MD, Robert L. Robles, MD, and Antoine Sayegh, MD), Institutional Member contacts (George A. Fisher, MD, Hope Rugo, MD, and Margaret Tempero, MD), and Group Member contact (Joseph Mason, MD) in the selection of the faculty for ASCO/ONS Highlights 2008.

Content Consultant
The Indiana University School of Medicine content consultant is Lawrence Einhorn, MD.

Supporters & Exhibitors
This educational activity is supported in part by AMGEN, AstraZeneca, Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals/Onyx Pharmaceuticals, biogenIDEC, Celgene, Eisai, Enzon Pharmaceuticals, Genentech BioOncology, Genomic Health, Genzyme Oncology, GlaxoSmithKline, Imclone Systems, Millennium, Novartis Oncology, Ortho Biotech, OSI Pharmaceuticals, Pfizer Oncology, Roche Oncology, Sanofi Aventis Oncology, and possibly others (as of the date of this mailing). The final list of supporters and exhibitors will be available at the meeting.

Agenda & Faculty
David R. Gandara, MD, Program Moderator
Heinz-Josef Lenz, MD, Univ of Southern Calif
Jeffrey Wolf, MD, Univ of Calif, San Francisco
David R. Gandara, MD, Univ of Calif, Davis
Andrew H. Ko, MD, Univ of Calif, San Francisco
Patricia Palmer, RN, MS, AOCNS, Univ of Calif, Davis
Sandy Srinivas, MD, Stanford Univ
Sidney A. Scudder, MD, Univ of Calif, Davis
Louis Fehrenbacher, MD
The Permanente Medical Group

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


The Association of Community Cancer Center's This Week at ACCC was published and is available online at

It features:

Administration Freezes Physician Medicare Cuts; No Congressional Fix Yet

CMS Releases Proposed 2009 Physician Fee Schedule and Policy Changes

Some Flooding Continues, Recovery Underway

House of Representatives Passes Historic Prostate Cancer Resolution

See You in San Francisco at ACCC's 25th Oncology Economics Conference

ACCC to Host Oncology Pharmacy Meeting in September

ACCC Welcomes Eisai Inc. to its Industry Advisory Council

ACCC Welcomes Cephalon Oncology to its Industry Advisory Council

FDA Approves New Sprycel 100 mg Tablet

FDA Approves Velcade for Injection for Patients with Previously Untreated MM

Heard on the ACCC Listserv: Infusion Center Staffing

ACCC's CE Blackboard: New Continuing Education Programs for You

State Medical Oncology Societies Host Upcoming Meetings

ASCO Cancer Policy Alert Published

CMS to hold claims for 10 Business Days; Urge Congress to pass a Physician Payment Fix

In light of Congress's failure to pass legislation preventing the 10.6% Medicare payment cut, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is directing contractors not to process claims for dates of service July 1 through July 15. CMS is attempting to give Congress time to pass legislation when they return to work from the July 4th recess that would avert the cut, however, passage of such legislation is not guaranteed. CMS informed Congress of their intent via e-mail on Friday, June 27, 2008.

Payments for dates of service June 30 and earlier will be processed and paid as normal. After July 15, contractors will begin releasing claims for payment under the current law with the 10.6 percent cut. If Congress does pass an SGR fix retroactive to July 1, CMS will be prepared to automatically reprocess most of those claims that have already been processed.

It is important that your Members of Congress hear from you about this important issue while they are home over the July 4th recess. Please tell them how a 10.6% cut in Medicare payments will affect your practice. What you can do:

Meet with your Senator or Representative at a town hall meeting to raise the SGR issue. To find out if your Members of Congress are hosting town hall meetings over the next week, please contact ASCO's Cancer Policy & Clinical Affairs Department at If they supported H.R. 6331 to prevent the SGR cut, thank them. If they did not vote for the legislation, urge them to do so when the next vote occurs. Please let ASCO know who you met with at

Make an appointment to meet Senators, Representatives, and staff in the state office. Remember, meeting with staff is just as good as meeting with the member. Again, please tell ASCO who you met with and the result of the meeting at

Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper. Information on how to write a letter to the editor can be found in your local paper.

ASCO will continue to keep members updated on this issue. If you have any questions, please contact ASCO's Cancer Policy & Clinical Affairs Department at 703-299-1050 or

NHIC/Medicare: Claims Paid Under the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule

To the extent possible, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is working with Congress, health care providers, and the beneficiary community to avoid disruption in the delivery of health care services and payment of claims for physicians, non-physician practitioners, and other Fee-For-Service (FFS) providers of services paid under the Medicare physician fee schedule, beginning July 1. In this regard, CMS has instructed its contractors to hold these claims for the first 10 business days of July, for dates of service in July. This should have minimum impact on provider cash flow because, under current law, electronic claims are not paid any sooner than 14 days (29 days for paper claims) after the date of receipt. Meanwhile, all claims for services delivered on or before June 30 will be processed and paid under normal procedures.

After 10 business days, contractors will begin releasing claims into processing under the fee schedule which implements current law. This, of course, could result in claims being processed with the negative 10.6 percent update. If a new law is enacted which changes the negative 10.6 percent update, retroactive to July 1, CMS is prepared to automatically reprocess most of those claims which have already been processed.

Under the Medicare statute, Medicare pays the lower of submitted charges and the Medicare fee schedule amount. Claims with dates of service July 1 and later billed with a submitted charge at least at the level of the January 1-June 30, 2008, fee schedule will be automatically reprocessed if Congress retroactively reinstates the update that was in effect for that time period. Any lesser amount will likely require providers to re-submit a revised claim.

To the extent possible, providers may hold claims in-house until it becomes clearer as to whether new legislation will be enacted or until cash flow becomes problematic. This will reduce the need for providers to reconcile two payments (i.e., the initial claim and the reprocessed claim), and it will simplify provider billings of beneficiary coinsurance and payment calculations for payers which are secondary to Medicare.

In addition, be on the alert for more information about other legislative provisions which may affect Medicare FFS providers.